Little help to build rrf3
Thank you @oliof
I think my windows is garbage.
\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\8 2018-q4-major\bin
in your command line window? -
Your original post indicated that "make" was not found on the path. This file is not part of Eclipse. That's the reason for steps 3, 4 and 5 of So you can't have executed those 3 steps successfully.
@oliof said in Little help to build rrf3:
Are you absolutely sure you installed the 2018 Q4 gcc cross-compiler from the ARM developer site as outlined in step #1? I.e., what happens if you run
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\8 2018-q4-major\bin
in your command line window?For sure 2018 Q4 installed.
Maybe I need rm.exe and make.exe inside bin folder?
Thank you @oliof
@dc42 said in Little help to build rrf3:
Your original post indicated that "make" was not found on the path. This file is not part of Eclipse. That's the reason for steps 3, 4 and 5 of So you can't have executed those 3 steps successfully.
Point 3:Gnu Arm Eclipse is installed fine.
Point 4:Path is done fine.
Point 5:But no rm or make
I cant see rm.exe or make.exe, maybe bad Gnu Arm Eclipse installation? I do it 2 times and same happened.
Well, compiled fine CoreNg, FreeRTOS, RRFLibraries and RepRapFirmware but I cant see Duetcombined.bin, I think set duetwifi is needed but I dont Know in this moment.
And the path to edit active motors to free ram.
Only a little little help is needed.
Thank you.
Looks like you have built the legacy Duet configuration, because I see Duet085 in the path in that output window. The build configuration you want will be called DuetNG or Duet 2.
Compile 2.05 branch fine but 3.2beta3.2 have errors and dont compile.
Try building RepRapFirmware 3.1.1 first
- checkout with the 3.1.1 / 3.1 tags as needed (see BuildInstructions)
- clean all projects
- make sure you have the right Build Configurations selected
- rebuild all projects in the right order
If you managed to build 3.1.1, check out the appropriate latest dev /3.02-dev branches, clean and rebuild all projects again.
@oliof all your instructions done with 3.1.1. but no luck errors appear with right build configurations checked in buildinstructions and clean projects before compile Reprapfirmware.
I think you are using the wrong branch of the RRFLibraries project. Use the dev branch for RRF 3.1 and later. Likewise, use the dev branch of FreeRTOS.
@dc42 I use this files:
Changed toFreeRTOS dev branch all compiled and clean before compile Reprapfirmware and same errors.
This is my build configuration of all projects:
Reprapfirmware Duet2_RTOSAre fine RRFLibraries and Reprapfirmware with RTOS added?
Thank you
Glad you could figure it out!