Duet3 config Frustration
This is the printer/kit I built.
https://www.ratrig.com/3d-printing-cnc/3d-printer-kits/all-3d-printer-kits/rat-rig-v-cast.htmlI only really need one tool board for one extruder, but not sure how I would mount it to the carriage. If I did that, I could see getting two, one for each hotend.... If I did that, wouldn't I need the DUET 3 TOOL DISTRIBUTION BOARD, and then 2x DUET 3 TOOLBOARD 1LC?
I rearranged the tool gcode to make it easier to understand in config.g, and that error is gone.
I didn't see a G1 and an S1.... So not sure what it was complaining about.11/24/2020, 8:46:10 AM M98 P"config.g"
Warning: M307: Heater 2 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 365C
Warning: M307: Heater 0 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 672C
Warning: M307: Heater 1 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 478C
Warning: M307: Heater 2 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 243C -
@BlueDust said in Duet3 config Frustration:
I only really need one tool board for one extruder, but not sure how I would mount it to the carriage. If I did that, I could see getting two, one for each hotend.... If I did that, wouldn't I need the DUET 3 TOOL DISTRIBUTION BOARD, and then 2x DUET 3 TOOLBOARD 1LC?
The tool distribution board isn't essential, but it makes the CAN and power wiring to the tool boards easier.
Are you saying I could wire in two, DUET 3 TOOLBOARD 1LCs directly into the Duet3 (without a Distribution Board)?
When reviewing the instructions, it looked like I could only wire one directly to the Duet 3 at a time. -
@BlueDust said in Duet3 config Frustration:
I didn't see a G1 and an S1.... So not sure what it was complaining about.
Probably one of the homing files.
I attached my configs. I may have fixed it and not noticed it before you you replied to look into the homing files...Still not sure why I can't print with the 2nd tool. (extruder will extrude, but temp may not turn on, and it will not move. As I started with the default code from the Configurator, and it doesn't look exactly the same as the code shown in the Wiki, I am not sure if I screwed something up, or just not sure/able to find what the problem is.
deployprobe.g config-override.g bed.g tpre1.g tpre0.g tpost1.g tpost0.g tfree1.g tfree0.g stop.g sleep.g retractprobe.g resurrect-prologue.g resume.g pause.g
homey.g homex.g homeu.g homeall.g config.g homez.gThanks!
What slicer are you using?
How are your tools configured there?
Can you post a sample of the gcode being used?
Are you able to manually change tools successfully? -
I have tried ideaMaker and S3d, but still new to this and have been concentrating on the Duet3 config.
I have tried a few times and cannot for sure say what file did what when I tried to print (or whether it was S3d or iM). The best attempt I had, tool0 was printing fine, and tool1 was extruding plastic, like it thought it was printing but was not moving and still in it's home position off the bed.
I will try to print a dual/copy print again, and share the gcode.
While printing, I have been able to change tools and get tool1 to start printing in place of tool0, but as it wasn't up to temp yet, I watched it pretend to extrude for a minute and canceled the print. When I pick tool1, tool0 will go into stand by, always seems finicky as temps were not set before hand (as the tool was disabled). I haven't tried to make tool1 active before a print to see if it can follow their and complete it successfully. Once I am done with this print/test (trying to fix some quality issues), I will try it.Thanks!
I am still in the middle of printing parts (family project) but plan to get back to testing IDEX tonight.
To keep wiring simple, I am now thinking about buying DUET 3 TOOL DISTRIBUTION BOARD and 2x DUET 3 TOOLBOARD 1LC. Is the CAN bus cable a standard RJ-11 telephone wire? Anything I should be concerned about if I make my own cable? Pins/wire order? (same order on both sides - straight through, or crossover, still looking in Wiki... )? Not sure if the boards come with cables...Thanks!
I think the G1 S error was from pause.g
;Duet IDEX example Code
M83 ; relative extrusion
G1 E-2 F3600 ; retract 2mm
G91 ; relative movement
G1 Z2 F500 ; raise head 2mm
G90 ; absolute movement
G1 S2 X-52 U352 F6000 ; park both headsThat last line should have H2
Same thing in your tool change files. They are using S2 instead of H2.
Just to verify, are your tools motor and heaters defined correctly?
M563 P0 S"LeftExtruder" D0 H1 F0:1 G10 P0 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set tool 0 axis offsets G10 P0 R0 S0 ; set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0C M563 P1 X3 S"RightExtruder" D1 H0 F2:3 G10 P1 U0 Y0 Z0 G10 P1 R0 S0
Drive 0 and heater 1 are paired and drive 1 and heater 0 are paired.
Otherwise I can't see anything glaring with your config files, though I'm not an IDEX user, so I'm not the best judge.
That code was copied directly from the Duet Wiki. I will fix it.
Thank you! -
Yes. It is correct. When I manually move tool1 (right carriage), it moves. Also if I manually tell it to heat up, turn on part fans, (hotend fan turns on at 40c), and extrudes plastic, it does.
One thing I do not understand, is that if I have to setup a 3rd tool to have IDEX work and print in mirror, or copy (maybe a 4th tool?) modes? Or do I just set that up in the Slicer?
I had assumed, that was optiontional, where I could setup the Duet3 to always print in copy/mirror, or setup the slicer/Gcode for the model I am printing to do it as needed. And when I say to do this in the slicer, I don't mean add code in the beginning of the file. I mean to just tell the slicer to print mirror or copy, and then enable the 2nd tool (with settings for it's temp and when the cooling fan kicks in).
I am starting to assume my assumption was wrong.
Thanks! -
I think that, given the length of this thread, and the fact your initial problems with Duet3 setup are largely resolved, it might be best to start a new thread focusing on IDEX setup and usage. Far more likely to draw some more knowledgeable eyes.
Sounds good!
Thanks! -
I have made progress. I was able to get ideaMaker to print only on the 2nd tool. Not sure why it works now, but not complaining.
Now trying to figure out how to get IDEX working in copy and mirror mode.
I opened a new thread.
Thanks for the help! -
I am trying to use the config tool, need some understanding of I/O Mapping tab. I am using Duet 3MB 6HC, and a Duet 3 Expansion 1XD for the external stepper driver. I have two questions
1.Meaning of filed options in Drives section-Endstop Pin [e.g io.in,io.in(active-low), io.in(pull-up), io.in(active-low,pull-up)] are not clear to me, what do they mean? , which is one to select? Similarly in the Heater section. Please refer to figure. Any documentation available on the config tool?
2.When I add the expansion board to I/O mapping, it adds Duet 3 Expansion 3HC by default, but I want to add Duet 3 Expansion 1XD. In this case, how can I use my Duet 3 Expansion 1XD board for my extenal stepper driver?
Also, I have 2 PT100 temperature sensor daughter boards stacked one over other, how can I add these additional daughter boards in the I/O mapping ?
@maddy Probably best to start a new thread for your questions rather than join onto someone else's older thread.
I think for the 1xd it might be a better idea to choose 1LC since that would be more similar since it's also a single driver board.
In the drop down list for the endstop at the end you'd see entries for the ports on the expansion board. The type you choose would depend on your endstop switch. Are they normally open, or normally closed, do they need a pullup or not? If in doubt, just choose the normal option and test and change to suit.
The wiring diagram will tell you what port is what.
You don't need to add anything special for the PT100 daughterboard, just choose the PT100 option from the sensor drop downs.