BL Touch not stopping when triggered
Hey Tony. For one there is no mention of the proper commands to send (inverting the signal polarity is mandatory, i.e. M280 P3 S10 I1). It is also not mentioned that you should set up deployprobe.g and retractprobe.cfg to M280 P3 S10 I1 and M280 P3 S90 I1 respectively. I also wanted to add that you can test the BLTouch before probing by issuing M280 P3 S60 I1, which makes it maintain the signal forever instead of the normal 5ms pulse during homing/probing, so you can see the output in DWC.
Most of the troubles I had setting up my BLTouch is that the only documentation is the Wiki and that 8-page thread, which does not give the complete answer to all setup questions until about page three.
I think some of the confusion also comes from the fact that the initial set up was done on an older Duet; as you can see in the very first post of this thread people are still unsure which pin should be used for the servo PWM.
I can let you make the edits if you prefer, I guess you are worried about my low comment count, I can understand that…
EDIT: fixed the deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g sequences, that's what I get for repeating them from memory.
Just as an added data point, I have a BLTouch working in my printer, using Mode 5, and the probe input connector.
I used the connections as shown in the chart in the wiki, but did have to install the resistor across the probe pins, and had the pins reversed on the probe connector the first time I tried it.
Once I got that straightened out, it has worked, other than my slow approach to wrapping my head around the probing g-code commands.I did notice that the normal operation of my probe is that when it touches the surface and triggers, it will click up to the retracted position with the light lit, and then extends again automatically.
The only time it stays retracted is when I send the probe retract command, or it goes into error when it can't fully extend again after being triggered. -
If you extend the BLTouch pin with M280 P3 S10 I1 (or M401 if you set up your deployprobe.g correctly), then touch the pin to make it retract, it will not come back down. This is different than when doing probing, in which case the firmware itself is redeploying the pin to be ready for the next probe point.
The BLTouch itself does not know you are probing, it is just a sensor. As far as it knows it was asked to redeploy after a trigger and the pin was blocked from doing so, either due to not enough clearance to fully extend or some other obstruction, therefore it switches to its error mode.
Ben. -
I do have it working now, I adjust the screw a 1/4 turn and it is behaving normally.
Sniffle, I have a Delta, it does a home all to max only.
T3P3Tony, I have 2 codes you can add to the file, I tested them, and set them up as Macros.
Alarm Release: M280 P3 S160 I1
BLT Self Test: M280 P3 S120 I1
note the pin inversion -
Ive had my bltouch setup for so long now I have to refer back to the large post i made on the original BLTouch forum post, as well. Mine is still setup on P4 as well… I just havent seen the need to change it. If i remeber correctly I made that post as a type of overall information gather for the wiki page. I'm sure some of it needs to be updated to be correct, which I think is the parts already on the wiki.
Grr This is back again, it seems to work when I manually trigger it with my finger, but as soon as I try to probe the bed it won't trigger. I checked my wires and they are all where they should be, and I haven't touched the bed probe, or any of my marcos.
When I run M114 with the pin up or down the result is the same. "X: 0.000 Y: 0.000 Z: 0.000 E0: 0.0 E1: 0.0 " one of the E should change. I lowered my trigger in G31 to 20, no effect, and tried to change the type from P4 to P5. the sensor was constantly triggered and never off.
Whether you need type P4 or P5 in your M558 command depends on whether you have connected the probe output to the E0 endstop input or the Z probe input.
Whether you need type P4 or P5 in your M558 command depends on whether you have connected the probe output to the E0 endstop input or the Z probe input.
I get that but I haven't been able to get it to work with either set of setting so far.
I'm having the same issue
Whether you need type P4 or P5 in your M558 command depends on whether you have connected the probe output to the E0 endstop input or the Z probe input.
I get that but I haven't been able to get it to work with either set of setting so far.
How have you connected it to the Duet? See and
Found out my issue was because I had the probe wires backwards in the Z probe header. Reversed them and it works like a charm. Doing my first calibration print now.
Hi Everyone,
First of all thanks to everyone that posts here. I finally got me wiring correct and learnt about the S60 test mode. Unfortunately, what to do when S60 does not produce a 0 value is not covered anywhere, that I have found.
Getting my BLTouch to register that the probe has been triggered on my Duet 0.8.5 board is where I am currently at and looking for advice.
Connected the servo leads to pins 1, 2 and 21.
Probe leads, White - Zin/ AD12 and Black - GND.Config.g is setup as:
M307 H3 A-1 C-1 D-1 ; reserve heater 3 (pinfor BLTouch PWM
M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z0 H5 F100 T2000 ; Z0 for delta
G31 X0 Y0 Z0.3 P25 ; Set the probe XY offset, Z height and signal thresholdBLTouch retracts and deploys twice on power cycle and Red LED stays lit.
When deployed:
M280 P3 S10 I1; Red LED is unlit, Probe extended and Prove voltage in 0 v
M119 ;Endstops - X: not stopped, Y: not stopped, Z: not stopped, Z probe: at min stop
DWC - Z Probe Red 1000 valueWhen in test mode and probe triggered:
M280 P3 S60 I1; Red LED is lit, probe stays up, Probe voltage is 2.9 v
M119 ;Endstops - X: not stopped, Y: not stopped, Z: not stopped, Z probe: at min stop
DWC - Z Probe Red 1000 valueExpected behaviour:
M119 - should show Z probe triggered
DWC Z Probe value should be 0Question:
Is the Z Probe voltage of 2.9 v too low for the Duet electronics to register that the Z Probe has been triggered? If, so, then what trigger voltage is required for the Z Probe?
Additionally, is there a "pull-up" resistor that needs to be set on the Z-Probe in config.g that I am not setting that is causing this behaviour?
Firmware Version: 1.19beta10+2 (2017-07-20)
Web Interface Version: 1.17+1Thanks, Andrew
I think 2.9V should be plenty. You do not need to configure a pullup resistor.
If you are getting 0V out of it when it is not triggered and 2.9V when triggered, and you have connected that output pin to the IN pin of the Z probe connector on the Duet 085, then it should indicate "Z probe: not triggered" when it is not triggered and "at min stop" when it is triggered. Check that the output wire it making contact with the Z probe connector IN pin.
You could also try Z probe type P1 in the M558 command and look at the Z probe reading in DWC. It should be close to 0 when not triggered, and about (2.9/3.3)*1024 = 900 when triggered.
HTH David
Is Zin - AD12 on the wiring diagram? From here,
P1 it is, as simple as that! I get 920 when triggered and 0 when not.
The probe is probing away - the end of the probe is a little high - nozzle is hitting the bed at some points, but I am super excited to see the probe in action!! It has been a few months of trying things, mistakenly putting the servo signal in pin 19, didn't help either.
Regards, Andrew
Yes, Z Probe In is AD12, at one end of the Z probe connector.
I still don't understand why P5 didn't work for you, unless you are using a very old version of RepRapFirmware (1.18.2 is latest stable, and 1.19RC4 is latest edge).