Changing pt100 to standard thermistor
PID tune, send M500 in console, add M501 to config.g. done.
awesome thanks, much appreciated
oh my good lord i am losing my mind...I've done everything, seemed fine, heated up hotend to 200c to do a test cube, and "M501
Warning: Heater 1 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 612C.", and then "Error: Heating fault on heater 1, temperature excursion exceeded 15.0°C", and it cools down the hotend. I know the first is a warning which i could live with but it then goes into error! Sorry I know i seem like a noob and keep asking questions but i dont get it lol, cables seem fine and ive rechecked everything, do you think there may be another fault elsewhere or is it likely the cables? -
post a picture of the temperature graph.
also do you have the silicone sock on?
sorry did you want me to rest the hotend and heat again first?
reset the hotend even
when the error occured
it happened when i was heating the hotend to 205c to do a test cube
I've got it heated to 200c now and for the last 15mins or so and it seems ok, but this is probably the 3rd or so time its had a hotend error since i made the changes earlier today
ok so its just done it again, temp spiked instantly up to 1600, then 1k, and lower but all within seconds, and now its almost cold...
can i save the set up files and perhaps default the board? perhaps flash it or start again? or will that not change anything?
If it spiked to 1600C that suggests either an intermittent short circuit, or a short between the heater terminals and the thermistor wires, or ESD. These same causes would explain the error report "last error: short-circuit in sensor" you had when using the PT100.
thanks, i guess you're right as i cant find any other fault i can see, so if the thermistor and heater terminals touch at the heater block that would also cause a short?
@Atraedes said in Changing pt100 to standard thermistor:
thanks, i guess you're right as i cant find any other fault i can see, so if the thermistor and heater terminals touch at the heater block that would also cause a short?
It's not uncommon for heater cartridges to develop shorts between the element and the case, which connects the hot end metalwork to VIN. If you also get a short between the temperature sensor and the hot end metalwork, that will short the sensor to VIN.
If you have a connector in the sensor cable, check that connector. Sometimes a single strand of wire escapes the crimp and touches the other one.
thanks, i will check that now, i only crimped that ruddy jst connector earlier and now that you mention it that seems the likely cause, many thanks
must have been the thermistor connector in the board, changed it and steady now for 20mins, doing the first test...
When did it give that M501 error? Did you send M501?
i did and it still did it, thanks anyway, the machine has found its way out the window so its all good now, thanks anyway
You don't send M501. You put it at the end of config.g and that's it.
When the duet powers on it runs through config.g to configure the machine. Then at the end it gets to M501 and then it knows to also load config-override.g, which has your tuned PID settings.
So when you sent M501 when the heater was running at 200c it re-applied any saved PID values it had saved in config-override.g from when you did the PID tuning and saved them with M500. That's probably where the fault came from.