Recommended Power Supply 300W heated bed 24V
I finally complete my hypercube evolution build and I'm really unhappy with the noise of the power supply.
The fan is extremely loud and I want to replace the power supply for a fanless solution.My current power supply is a Mean Welll HRP 600-24
Would a 500W PS be enough for the whole printer? (300W Heated Bed, Hotend 30W, 3 Fans, 5 Stepper Motors(Rated 1.7A, set to 1A atm) Duet Wifi 2 + Display.
If yes I would probably go with the Mean Well UHP-500 otherwise with the 750W version which is nearly double the price.Option 2:
Convert the Bed to AC power but then I would need a new Bed, SSR, and still a different power supply.
I'm an electronics technician so working with AC is fine.Option 3:
2x 24V power supply, 1 for the bed, 1 for the rest of the electronics. 350W + 250W + SSRThanks
There can be also Option 4:
Mean Well HEP600-24...but it is almost double the prise of HRP 600-24
I have a HEVO like yours (300W DC bed, 5 motors) and am very happy with the UHP 500. The UHP series have very high efficiency that cause them to stay cool without a fan.
I tried to avoid AC (110V here) for safety, feeling safer that way, especially that the bed moves (vs delta or Voron 2 printers), but YMMV. Also running my printer on a GFCI outlet.
@zapta Will order a UHP-500. Thanks for the confirmation.