wpa_supplicant.conf missing from DuetPI
Hi all,
I am in the process of setting up a RatRig V-Core 3 printer using Duet 3 6HC, PanelDue 5i and Raspberry Pi 4.
I have successfully downloaded the DuetPi image (the one with GUI), written successfully to SD Card using BalenaEtcher (also verified written image), I can see the SD partition.
The guide (https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Getting_Started_With_Duet_3#Section_DuetPi) says "To set up WiFi, you can edit "wpa_supplicant.conf" on the SD card (first partition)."
...which doesn't exist.
There is no "wpa_supplicant.conf" anywhere on that partition.So I'm stuck. How can I configure Wireless for the boot image?
Thank you in advance for your replies! -
@war4peace there is no wpa_supplicant.conf included in GUI image as its expected the user will connect a screen.
see here for instructions on how to create a wpa_supplicant.conf https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/headless.md
@droftarts Thank you, I somehow missed that wiki page. Searched for "DuetPi" instead...