Bigtreetech smart filament sensor trigger2.g or trigger3.g
Just getting to test this sensor it seemed like a good buy, but I've connected and seen other posts on here on the settings but this is not working for me. Noting happens when filament runs out. I have a simple trigger#.g to just display a message when triggered but no message. This is my config:
; Fillament sensor M591 D0 P7 C"" L7 R50:200 E15 S0 ;Bigtree smart filament moniter M591 D1 P7 C"" L7 R50:200 E15 S0 ;Bigtree smart filament moniter 55%-150% of 7 counts over a distance of 22mm M581 P"" T2 C0 M581 P"" T3 C0 here is the trigger#.g code
M291 P"Please load fillamet, or check fillament status on RIGHT TOWER" R"Fillament Runout Sensor Trigger" S2 ; Display message
any help, please.
Thankyou. -
@jsinicro How are you trying to make the test event occur.? Mine will only trigger when I'm actually printing.
@nurgelrot to test it I cut the filament, activate and heat up the hot end, and then extrude till all filament runs out. which should pop up the message. I am using RRF3.3RC2.
S0 is disable filament monitoring. And I think it's only going to be monitored during a print from SD. So try creating a basic gcode file that will extruder and then print that rather than doing it manually.
@phaedrux OK Thx, I did have S1 before.