Issues after prime
My homez is old. I know i must clean it.
By the way, when using a BLtouch you do not need to use M401/M402 explicitly. The G30 commands will deploy and retract as needed.
The only thing I can think of for the extrusion move is that your E speeds may be a bit aggressive?
M566 X1250.00 Y1250.00 Z200.00 E1000.00 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
M203 X30000.00 Y30000.00 Z600.00 E16000.00 ; set maximum speeds (mm/min)
M201 X3000.00 Y3000.00 Z200.00 E2000.00 ; set accelerations (mm/s^2)
Perhaps F1200 is too much for the extruder? It seems fairly low speed though for retraction, so I'm not sure.
I'm kind of at a loss. Is the problem causing any actual detriments?
Any other Propeller use 50-70mm/s retract speed. There is my 20 very slow.
Without filament I can speed the extruder high. With optimal print Temp and filament can I extrude ~20mm/s.
I have this 20mm/s use the last 6-8 month without Problem.
Any time I have step lost on X and Y
If you look at this video you can see how the car brakes hard by braking and starting again and then continues jerking, and the belts wobble a lot. Depending on how it vibrates, the motors lose steps and I no longer print in the middle. In the long run, the jerking is not healthy for the whole mechanics
But the question is why run the extruder to 0 and back to 99.4 when M83 is Configured?
When I All write to M82 and slice M82 is the same problem. At this one Point reset the firmware not the extruder.
That Video is with a another Purge line.
There is with step lost on X and Y. The print must start on the middle on x150 Y150 but is in the left back corner.
Have you tested in standalone mode yet without the SBC?
@phaedrux no. I dount have standalone configured
As process of elimination it may help to know if the problem still presents in standalone mode.
You can copy your current config files onto a fresh SD card that has the folder structure and DWC files present and use that SD card in the Duet. That link describes in more detail.
Ok have I do. -
The same on standalone -
That came after 2 weeks after I have install the toolboard 1lc V1.1
Should I reset the toolboard?
By pressing both buttons on the toolboard when starting.
Reload the board firmware and then test it again?
After install the Bus change to 20. -
Thanks for testing in standalone mode. Before you do anything to the toolboard, let's let @dc42 have a look and see what he thinks.
@heartleander81 said in Isusses after prime:
That Video is with a another Purge line.
There is with step lost on X and Y. The print must start on the middle on x150 Y150 but is in the left back corner.
Please can you provide the start of the GCode file that you were printing when you recorded this video.
I suspect that a firmware issue is causing this behaviour.
Good Morning.G90 M83 M106 S0 M140 S50 M190 S50 M104 S240 T0 M109 S240 T0 T0 M98 P"startGcode" G92 E0.0 ; process CR3D 0.4 ; layer 1, Z = 0.200 T0 G1 E-0.6000 F1200 ; feature skirt ; tool H0.200 W0.440 G1 Z0.200 F600 G1 X118.950 Y122.494 F12600 ;G1 X19.489 Y53.567 F12600 ;G1 E0.6000 F1200 ;G1 X280.511 Y53.567 E8.9768 F1800 ; layer end T0 M98 P"endGcode"
Unfortunately, I no longer have the file from the print. Do you mean the purge line in the startup code?
Thanks for your Help.
@heartleander81 thanks, to try to reproduce this I also need the contents of macros startGCode and endGcode. [Edit: I see that you have already provided startGcode, so I will try to reproduce it.
M150 U255 P128 S60 ;LED gruen M150 R255 B235 U255 P128 S60 ;LED weiß G32 G29 S1 P"heightmap.csv" M83 G1 X5 Y5 Z30 F6000.0 G1 E50 F500 G1 E30 F200 G1 Y20 F2000 G1 Y50 Z0.2 F3000 G1 Y90 E20 F300 G1 Y120 F1200 M150 R255 B235 U255 P128 S60 ;LED weiß
G10 P0 R0 S0 ; Set hotend temp to 0 M140 S0 ; Set bed temp to 0 G91 G1 Z10 G90 G92 E0 G1 E-1 F300 G92 E0 M106 S20 ; Fan to cool nozzle and bed M220 S100 ; Set speed factor back to 100% in case it was changed M221 S100 ; Set extrusion factor back to 100% in case it was changed M290 R0 S0 G1 X25 Y300 F6000 G1 E-9 F200 G92 E0 M300 S290 P1000 M150 U255 P128 S60 ;LED gruen G4 S60 ; wait 1 minute for nozzle to cool M107 ; turn off the fan G4 S30 M98 P"/macros/LED/LED_Aus" M18
@heartleander81 thanks! Do you have any tool change files on your system?