firmware 3.0 and more
@ooly said in firmware 3.0 and more:
M574 Z2 S1 P"null" ; configure active-high endstop for high end on Z via pin null
Where is the Z endstop plugged in? Most likely, change the above to
M574 Z2 S1 P"zstop"
Ian, thanks.
I changed 574 as you suggested but I am still not a delta there are no endstops for the horizontal "x" and "y", only
z probe for the bottom, and of course three XYZ endstops for the three towers, all on the top side.
on the other end, in the delta config tool, there is a clear difference between x, y, to that of Z.
kindly explain. thanks. -
@ooly What is "still not there"?
You need an endstop on each of the three delta axes, X, Y and Z. These are not referring to 3-dimensional space (as they might in a Cartesian machine), it's referring to the three delta towers. X, Y and Z are just axis labels. So you need to have a 3 endstops defined with M574. Check endstops are assigned to the correct axis and working correctly by sending M119 while depressing each switch in turn.The homedelta.g just homes these three axes at the maximum end. The M665 'H' parameter in config.g (or config_override.g) sets the homed height. The actual 'Z-probe' is used for the Delta auto calibration. See
I know and the three end switches are in place, but m119 brings back all at "max stop" when they are all midway.
my setting is m574 X2 S1 P"xstop" etc. tried x1 instead of x2 and it says x at "min stop" -
@ooly What does it say when you press the endstop and send M119? Most probably "not stopped". If so, it means you need to invert the logic of the endstop, as you have yours wired Normally Open, rather than Normally Closed.
Either change M574 to (note exclamation mark in pin definition):
M574 X2 S1 P"!xstop" ; configure active-high endstop for high end on X via pin !xstop M574 Y2 S1 P"!ystop" ; configure active-high endstop for high end on Y via pin !ystop M574 Z2 S1 P"!zstop" ; configure active-high endstop for high end on Z via pin !zstop
Or rewire your endstops to Normally Closed, which is preferred as they are less susceptible to interference. See
Probably in your old RRF 2 config.g they were defined as
M574 X2 Y2 Z2 S0
, where S0 means they are inverted.Ian
ok, the ! did it. thanks
another problem: the status display is totally different from my old one in the 2.1 version. in the old one I could change the values of z. in this one I cannot so z is stuck at the top home value so I can't move it. is there a way to change z value in the status window? or alternatively return to the old window? -
another problem: while commanding movements in the dashboard, speed is not constrained by the "max speed" setting in config.g.
how do I limit these movements? thanks -
@ooly said in firmware 3.0 and more:
another problem: while commanding movements in the dashboard, speed is not constrained by the "max speed" setting in config.g.
how do I limit these movements? thanksWith firmware 3.3 the M203 settings control the max speed of those movements.
@ooly said in firmware 3.0 and more:
another problem: the status display is totally different from my old one in the 2.1 version. in the old one I could change the values of z. in this one I cannot so z is stuck at the top home value so I can't move it. is there a way to change z value in the status window? or alternatively return to the old window?
If you mean change the jog amounts, right click on the number you want to change. See
another problem: while commanding movements in the dashboard, speed is not constrained by the "max speed" setting in config.g.
how do I limit these movements? thanksI very much doubt that. You have your M203 set as:
M203 X18000.00 Y18000.00 Z18000.00 E1200.00 ; set maximum speeds (mm/min)
18000 mm/min = 300mm/s. Are you saying it goes faster than that?!Ian
@ooly said in firmware 3.0 and more:
another problem: the status display is totally different from my old one in the 2.1 version. in the old one I could change the values of z. in this one I cannot so z is stuck at the top home value so I can't move it. is there a way to change z value in the status window? or alternatively return to the old window?
Ah, just worked out what you mean. In DWC v1 you could click on the X, Y or Z position and enter a new value for the axis to move to. I think this was removed as it was too easy to upset a print by accidentally clicking on it. You need to use the jog buttons, or send the gcode (ie G1 Z50) to move the nozzle to a specific location.
If you've upgraded to RRF 3.3, I don't think DWC 1 will work any more as the communication protocols have changed.
@ooly said in firmware 3.0 and more:
another problem: while commanding movements in the dashboard, speed is not constrained by the "max speed" setting in config.g.
how do I limit these movements? thanksIf you're talking about the displayed max speed while homing being higher than you'd expect that's a display anomaly due to the way delta kinematics speed is calculated.