Creality CR-10 upgrade
Erased all then used SAM-BA to load wifi firmware and then M997 S0:1 worked. All upgraded.
P.S. I was wandering if there is Ad-hoc functionality? Or is there a way to avoid using router and connecting strait to duetwifi from tablet?
This error comes up:
[ERROR] Can't read from printer (disconnected?) (SerialException): call to ClearCommError failedThat's normal. The USB port is closed while the firmware is updated. You can reconnect about a minute later when the firmware update has completed.
Access point mode isn't working on the WiFi module with the current firmware.
I have made PanelDue 5" enclosure. Its fully enclosed to be mounted on 2020 extrusion with quick release(sort off). USB is inaccessible but easy altered:
Doing this extruder assembly and was wandering what is recommended distance from extruder to avoid heat damage?
My IR probe is about 5mm from the heat block, but I do have Kapton tape wrapped around the hotend as well as the back side of the probe. No issues.
thanks. mine probably be with e3d sock.
5mm is plenty, but put 2 layers of Kapton tape on the back as recommended in the fitting instructions, in case the heater block rotates, to prevent the back of the sensor board shorting against it.
I was scared and put 5 layers!
Thanks. I turned the probe around so all the components are on the cool side. I'll put some caption on it, good advice.
I just started wiring. I got some stranded 24awg utp cable. Would that be suficient for the motors? It is very convenient with 8 conductors inside:)
24awg should be OK for up to 2A motor current, but not much more.
Ok thanks. Here is some uodate on the setup. Sketched up duet wifi enclosure. Its simple but functional. Changed panel due mout to the side and angle from 60 degrees to 36ish. Done most of the cabling, here are the photos:
Have a question on the bed. As i will use IR bed probe and have dual Z, should i mount my heat bed rigid or should i leave springs, old setup? It is a large bed (410x410) and four mounting points don't add to bed flatness. I am thinking of drilling two holes in the middle (same as Prusa i3 mk2) and mounting it on rigid standoffs. I will not use glass then and glue PEI sheet strait to aluminium heat bed. I will probably win some heating time.
Thank you -
Dual leadscrews only provide for levelling the bed in one direction, so you still need levelling screws to adjust it in the other direction.
Yes, but would your IR probe do that cause i ordered it specifically for that purpose. I know skew would be different.
If you connect the two Z stepper motors to separate stepper drivers, then you can use a Z probe of any type to do bed levelling in one direction. To level the bed in both directions, you need to use 3 Z motors and leadscrews.
If you will be using the IR sensor with a PEI bed, read the important notes on bed surface in the IR sensor fitting instructions first. Or use opaque PEI if you can find it.
I did read. i have painted my bed with black matt oven spray paint and then all that 160C for one hour stuff. So, will IR bed probe and duet wifi do bed compensation or not, cause if it would there is no need even for Z compensation or i am mising something?
Yes they will do bed compensation, see However, it's best to get the bed as close to level as you can by manual means first, to reduce wear on the Z axis.
Yes, i done that on other printer with shims.
I would like to start tinkering with firmware and setting up the printer. I have some issues understanding some of the configuration tool parameters.
How to determine motor direction? Is this to do with motor polarity if its wired the wrong way, you just revers it? Next microstepping, leave it at x16 up it to the max?
I have NC microswitches on XYZ and DC42 IR probe.So my switches will be active high but what to do with IR bed probe, basicaly how to set up this section? I guess i want to set up as active high for X and Y and Z probe for Z?
Whats the bed output bang-bang?
Is there a way to determine Bed NTC K value of unknown thermistor?
I have ordered Daughter board for PT100 sensor with e3d sensor so E0 channel would be MAX31855 thermocouple 0 (where 0 is channel number)?
Again, using IR probe from, how to set up to probe more points on the bed? Would i need to add a code to compensation .g file manually?
Inversion of fan output does to do, again with wrong wiring?
What is the value in percentage for?