duet 3 stops printing when a triger is activated
Hello. I have a this setup: 1 duet3 board 3.3 firmware with 2 expansion boards connected. These expansion boards control some extra motors. They basically handle a filament buffer. When Im printing, filaments is used and the it is taken not from the spool but from a buffer (this is something very usefull with some materials), this buffer is kept full by stepper motors controlled by the expansion boards. When the buffer is empty, a sensor is triggered. This sensor triggers a triiger.g file wich takes care of filling up the buffer again.
Everything works good, but the problem is that when the sensor is triggered, the trigge.g file is used, but the print is stopped till this .g file finishes.
Is there a way to make this happen without pausing the print?
I have attached the configuration files I have
config.g [fhomeall.g eed2ext1.g](/assets/uploads/files/1645031485237-feed2ext1.g) homea.g homeb.g homec.g macro_test.g macro_unload_A.g trigger5.g trigger6.g trigger7.g trigger8.g trigger9.g trigger10.g trigger11.gThanks in advance
@tinchus said in duet 3 stops printing when a triger is activated:
Everything works good, but the problem is that when the sensor is triggered, the trigge.g file is used, but the print is stopped till this .g file finishes.
I think this would require independent gcode streams. As it is now, the macro will be called and will need to complete before returning to the main gcode file.
@phaedrux ok, thanks. This might be interesting to be redesign in a future. The duet has the ability to add many support extra boards, with a lot of sensors than can be used for many aplications, but I think having to stop the print to wait for a macro to finish might be a big issue to this extra boards.