@argo Update on this issue: using the curve smoothing solves the problem. Also, I made a copy of the original STL using solidworks, exported it as STL but using max quality for the STL and also the print came out PERFECT.
So all this issue is about the STL quality
Thanks all for the help

Best posts made by Tinchus
RE: "waves" on rounded prints
RE: BtnCmd-DWC Plugin - Customise DWC - v01.03.08 01-03-25
@chimaeragh Sure. For example, when I want to save the total uptime of the machine I execute count.g:
echo >"uptime.g" "global.ontime =",{global.ontime + state.upTime/60}This saves in uptime.g the value of the global.ontime, and I get that value from the object model
Next time the machine restarts, in config.g I have a M98 P"uptime.g", so the value of the global variable is read again and keeps being incremented.
RE: cant connect to https://pkg.duet3d.com for update
@Falcounet Today I tried again and this time connection was ok... weird. But problem is fixed. Thanks!
RE: delete
@blv there is no need to teach formulas or motion theroy, at least to me, Im a senior mechanical engineer, I guess I have those topics very clear. So Im pretty sure you can post your slicer profile, your config, and the STL so we can all see the sizes involved and it will be very simple to demostrate what I said is correct. But we can also do very super quick calulations looking the video: the size of the object is aprox 12 cms long. I has a soft cuve too. so lets say that segment is a real 15 cms as much it it is straight? If you print at 500 mm/s that means we should be watching your printhead cover those 15 cms in aprox 1/33 of a second without taking into consideration the acceleration. If we take into consideration the accel of 9000 you will reach something around 300 mm/s of max speed AND ONLY for a fraction of the path. Im dpoing all these calculation by my eye so I might be wrong in 20/50 mm/s max error.
And Im still not taking into account your jerk settings.
And this is the speed you get in your longest path, the rest of your STL model wont get even half of the calculated speed I have mentioned.
So...And Im not fan of nobody. I use what I considere that covers my needs. I have used klipper. It is based on python, python uses an interpret to work. That means an extra layer between klipper and the processor. So it works very nive, but no software till today is as fast as a well C++ / C code is working directly with the processor... Or have you ever seen an OS written in python
The firmware duet is working on is really powerful, enough for me moving from marlin.
But hey... if you are fine with klipper, OK! keep using. You have to use whatever covers your needs man.
Also I think it would be usufull if you clear what you mean with "extra perfomance", it would be a good way to contibute here to the developers.
RE: Unable to tune chamber heater
@davidewen @dc42 There are several post about this issue with heated chambers.
In my case the problem raised with version 3.3 and up. Something changed on that PID implementation. Before that, my heated chamber was using the old PID very good.After I upgraded, the problem raised. So I tried to autotune again and I was getting the same errors like you. After playing a while, what I did was: I raised deadtime value A LOT. That way, autotune was able to finish.
BUT then it didnt worked: the values I got from autotune, should have worked but every time I tried to heat up the chamber, an error was there: temp rising too slowly.
Running autotune several times worked again, but then again, using the reported values always failed with the same error.Then I did a trick: I ran autotune but using ONLY 80% of the PWM. Then to the reported values I changed the PWM to 100%. That is the only way I have been able to use PID on the heated chamber
I hope it helps
RE: Causes for heater instability
Im my case, the times this exact thing happened to me, was a bad connection on my thhermistor cables, a badly soldered crimp. Resoldering always solved my problem. This problem was never detected by eye, the graphics is the one that have indicated me the problem.
RE: touchscreen not working on latest bookworm duetpi image
@chrishamm I solved the problem (so close the topic as solved please). I dont know the causes but this is how it is working now:
.- In config.txt I commented the line
By doing this and rebooting, I can see the raspberry logo at boot but then again all goes white and stays there
So again in config.txt I made the change:
dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d to dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3dAnd these 2 changes solved the problem. Everything in "normal " now, The camera is not working either but it is detected.
On the other printer I checked, and disable_fw_kms_setup=1 is not commented... Documentation says this uses kernel defaults. So my guess is since the difference between both raspi images is the date and I can see a difference on kernel vlaues, there is something internal that makes all this trouble to me.
Either way, it is solved. Thanks for the help
RE: raspberry camera on new firmware version
Sorry for the late update. In my case problem is solved. I used the spyglass plugin. I got it from here: https://plugins.duet3d.com/plugins/SpyglassWebcamServerPlugin.html
The build instructions... never used them. I just downloaded the pluging, intalled through DWC interface, on the general settings I completed the url http://printer2.local:8080/stream (later I noticed theat hostname was automatically replaced by the internal ip number)
And it works perfect.The raspi image I have is a brand new one, nothing extra installed or removed but userland in order to have some commands to verify the cam that seems to not be installed by default:
sudo apt install cmake
git clone https://github.com/raspberrypi/userland
cd userland
sudo cp build/bin/* /bin/
sudo reboot
and then tested camera with raspistill -o image.jpgI really dont know if userland had any effect on camera installation but since bookworm removed any easy way to activate/deactivate the camera (to the level of knowledge I have at least) I installed userland in order to have some debugging on the camera. With raspistill at least I knew the camera was there and detected and then I just installed the pluging
I hope it helps -
RE: looong journey with bltouch seems to have ended
@fcwilt so far I got a tempral solution till I find a proper solution, I modified the start gcode to position the sensor out of printbed and so it doesnt get all the heat, I leave door open so chamber doesnt get hot. After probing I tape the pin to be sure it stays up, then close the door as soon as print start. LOL
I looked for info and I found it: https://reprap.org/forum/read.php?1,873463,873463 reports something very similar. There are other similar posts on other forums too. and the nice find is:
and pictures of the process: https://imgur.com/a/bJwce1D/Basically he reposts the same and his solution was to remove the electronics from bltouch body and take it to a cooler place doing a very surgical cabling work.
I have still 2 working bltouchs so I might give a try to this project.Sorry for blameing duet electronics in the past!!!!!!
simplify is not worthy anymore . The "new" features they have added to version 5 have been present on free slicer for about some years already.
Latest posts made by Tinchus
RE: Beginner mode for DWC?
@chrishamm That solution wont work completely, I tested it. By putting the files on read only mode, they are not protected from the user dwc. DWC (I might be wrong about whi is doing this ) open the files, reads them, and I have seen they are modified on their atributes.
What I did and worked @trulm (my situation is the same as you) is changing the sticky bits on the files;
sudo chattr +i /opt/dsf/sd/sys/*.g
sudo chattr -i /opt/dsf/sd/sys/config-override.gThis bit makes the files imposible to be modified. Do the same with the macros and the filaments directories.
Also, I have modified the html files on DWC deleting the links to the areas I didnt want my student even look, like for example I deleted the posibility to manually introduce a temperature for the hotend and I also deleted the fill area in the console . In that way students can modified temperature, can not enter gcode comands either ,) -
RE: raspberry camera on new firmware version
@the_K Im not able to replicate the installation on another printer. The same as you it is happening to me: plugin just runs for 1 second. Looking at the logs I can see an error about a camera module, so I installed:
sudo apt -y install python3-picamera2
With this I can start the plugin and stays active. Still, I cant see the camera on DWC
RE: network conection lost when router is down
Thanks for the help.
lets close the topic, It is not related really to the duet. I found the problem: if router goes down and then recovers power, at least on this particular router and internet provider, the router and the printer reconnect again, but the dhcp server on router just give the printer internal network config but ont the required config to get out to internet, and also something happens with the internal dns name ".local" wich is not founded again by other devices reconnecting.
Reconnection should happened only after the router reconnect to the ISP.
I added a crontab job every 10 minutes on the raspberry to handle these event, I post the info here just in case somebody else have this "problem":sudo nano /home/pi/reconnect_wifi.sh :
if ! ping -c 1 -W 1; then
sudo ip link set wlan0 down
sudo ip link set wlan0 up
fisudo chmod +x /home/pi/reconnect_wifi.sh
sudo crontab -e:*/10 * * * * /home/pi/reconnect_wifi.sh
network conection lost when router is down
Yes, sorry for the tricky title LOL.
This ois the issue Im facing: power goes down, so printer goes down and also the wifi router goes down. Or sometimes, and this is worst I think, power of the wifi router goes down and so the printer looses its conection to the network.
When router is on again, the printer seems to not connect again.My config is a duet3 with SBC (raspberry pi 3 B+)
So in this scenario, the printer continues to print but it is not conected to nwetwork so I cant access DWI.I guess the reconection should be a task the SBC should do, but it is not doing it.
Should the SBC reconnect automatically when router is on again? -
RE: looong journey with bltouch seems to have ended
@fcwilt so far I got a tempral solution till I find a proper solution, I modified the start gcode to position the sensor out of printbed and so it doesnt get all the heat, I leave door open so chamber doesnt get hot. After probing I tape the pin to be sure it stays up, then close the door as soon as print start. LOL
I looked for info and I found it: https://reprap.org/forum/read.php?1,873463,873463 reports something very similar. There are other similar posts on other forums too. and the nice find is:
and pictures of the process: https://imgur.com/a/bJwce1D/Basically he reposts the same and his solution was to remove the electronics from bltouch body and take it to a cooler place doing a very surgical cabling work.
I have still 2 working bltouchs so I might give a try to this project.Sorry for blameing duet electronics in the past!!!!!!
looong journey with bltouch seems to have ended
I have posted another couple of posts about bltouch configuration and failures. I was never able to use it with some level of confidence. To sum up the other posts: my roblems were bltouch working randomly, sometime the probe is deployed a lot of time, sometime it is not. Sometimes there was a delay of like 2 seconds before being deployed.
Answers to the problems were in general: this was a problem of noise and cabling, somethin g that of course I tried to adress but to me these answers were somehow "not ok" beucase they ignored my comments about me having already replace the cable 3 times, and even replacing the bltouch itself a couple of times.
Any way, in weekends I continued to investigate the issue and now I have finally found a conclusion backup with real numbers and Im able to reproduce (and fix it) the problem.The problem is temperature. During config time and test time, I even executed like ten times, a script that deplyed the bltouch 100 times and I saw in person that happened, not failing a single time. And then lauched a print and probing was succesful. The another print and probing sometimes failed.
I found the variable: material being printed and the material being used had a bigger bed temperature and hoter nozzle temp. And the important thing here: chamber. The printer has an enclosed chamber, not actively heated but really well closed. When printing PLA, interior temp never rises beyong 35 degrees celsius MAX,. But in the case of PLA or ABS, just preheating the bed to 70 or85 degrees, makes the chamber get to 55 degrees and more in case of ABS (65 degrees C)
Also, even with heatblock being 12 mm away from the body of bltouch all these factors are enough to make bltouch body to reach a temperature between 55 and 63 degrees C. I have measure that using a thermocouple.I know that many will say that electronics are rated to handle 70/80 degrees with no problem. But this is real and it is happening. Ssomehow the temperaure affects the electronics and bltouch behaviour.
This is not a cable problem: I changed cable 4 times. I remade the crimps like 10 times (all conection on my duets are made by me and they are like a total of 500 conections and I only had problem in 2 or 3 so I can say I know how to crimp a connector)
I have tried 3 v3 bltouch and even 1 V2. And the problem in them were the same.f bltouch suceeds to complete the initial probing, what happends the is that randomly the pin gets down and up againg, like if there is some electrical noise. I have ruined like 7 pins so far.
Today this idea come to my mind, and I did simple test. I made sure chamber was ambient temp and never more than 40 degrees. No problems at all, print sucessful, no pin up/down events.
The I heated up chamber to 55 degreesin 5 times I tried, 3 of them had problem right in the beginning at initial probing, 2 of them were able to finish initial probing, all 5 times reported pin up/down events.
Inmediately after 5th try, I cooled down chamber and also made sure bltouch was cool, and same gcode but with the chamber door opened and some extra small vent made all error desapear.So this is my comments about this in case somebody elase had seen this.
Also a small report: M558 P9 C"io7.in" F100 H3.2 R0.2 T6000 A5 B1 , this command should turn off heaters while probing acording to docs in order to avoid noise, but it is not happening or at least on DWC heaters seems to be ON all the time while probing
RE: bltouch wait time config
@engikeneer thanks for the answer. Can you share your config of bltouch?
bltouch wait time config
Hello. I have a doubt about bltouch config. On bltocuh docs, they state that a 100 milsec wait time has to be set in order to "wait" for bltouch to be ready (wait for what? I dont know). So the example config they give for inserting into the start gcode of the slicer is:
M280 P0 S160 ; BLTouch alarm release
G4 P100 ; delay for BLTouch
G28 ; home
G29 ; auto bed levelingThis 100 milsecs delay should also be inserted on Zhome file too like:
M280 P0 S160 ; BLTouch alarm release
G4 P100 ; delay for BLTouch
G30 ; home Z by probing the bed
M913 Z100
G1 Z6 F200
M564 H1Or it is not necesary since the bltouch configuration on config.g is:
M558 P9 C"io7.in" F100 H3.2 R0.2 T6000 A5 B1
Where the R value of 0.2 inserts a 200 milsec wait time for the proble to be ready each time probing is requested?
Deployprobe.g also has:
M280 P0 S160
G4 P100
M280 P0 S10Should that 100milsec be there or it is not necesary?
RE: raspberry camera on new firmware version
Sorry for the late update. In my case problem is solved. I used the spyglass plugin. I got it from here: https://plugins.duet3d.com/plugins/SpyglassWebcamServerPlugin.html
The build instructions... never used them. I just downloaded the pluging, intalled through DWC interface, on the general settings I completed the url http://printer2.local:8080/stream (later I noticed theat hostname was automatically replaced by the internal ip number)
And it works perfect.The raspi image I have is a brand new one, nothing extra installed or removed but userland in order to have some commands to verify the cam that seems to not be installed by default:
sudo apt install cmake
git clone https://github.com/raspberrypi/userland
cd userland
sudo cp build/bin/* /bin/
sudo reboot
and then tested camera with raspistill -o image.jpgI really dont know if userland had any effect on camera installation but since bookworm removed any easy way to activate/deactivate the camera (to the level of knowledge I have at least) I installed userland in order to have some debugging on the camera. With raspistill at least I knew the camera was there and detected and then I just installed the pluging
I hope it helps