BLTouch issue Duet 3 Mini
I have a problem with my BLTouch sensor.
I have wired the sensor as follows on the i02-PIN:
+5V - Red
OUT - Orange
GND - Black
IN - White 3.3V - NONE
(Brown cable is not connected at this moment)I have entered the following in the config.g file:
M950 S0 C "io2.out" M558 P9 C "" H5 F240 T10800 A5 G31 P25 X-28.00 Y-13.00 Z0.90 My homez.g looks like this:
; BLTouch M280 P0 S160 M280 P0 S90 G91 G1 H2 Z5 F6000 G90 G1 X250 Y250 F10000 G30 ; lift Z after probing G91 G1 Z20 F100 G90 When I run Home Z, there is no error message and the bed moves towards the sensor, but the PIN does not move out.
When sending M280 signals for Deployprobe or retractprobe nothing happens.When starting the printer, however, the PIN moves in and out 2 times.
Have I done something wrong or forgotten something?
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ 3.3RC2 (2021-05-11)
Thanks a lot!
@asimitabi Its been along time since ive used a bl touch, but I`m pretty sure you will need the brown wire connected to make it work as its the ground to the servo, have a read through this
@asimitabi said in BLTouch issue Duet 3 Mini:
You should also update your firmware to 3.3 final and then 3.4 final.
@jumpedwithbothfeet I already tried to connect it to GND on another Pin of the board but then when I try to home z it says the probe is already triggered at the start even if its not. I will try to find a solution in this but on my Duet 2 Wifi everything is working normal with the BLTouch (another printer). I did everything like it is described here:
I will also update the firmware if this will make a difference
Edit: Im on the latest firmware now (3.4) but still the same problem.
Where should I plug in the brown cable? I think GND on one of the io pins in the near of i02 should work? -
@asimitabi This is the current documentation page:
Remove the space between the C and pin name on both commands. If I send it with the space, I get an error, without it works fine:
M950 S0 C"io3.out" ; this is accepted M950 S0 C "io3.out" ; this generates following error Error: M950: expected string expression You can also check your config.g by sending
M98 P"config.g"
. It will probably show the same error.Generally you should not need to send M280 commands to control the BLTouch in homez.g.
Please post your deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g.Ian
@droftarts In the config file I have it without the space sorry I got this wrong here but it is fine in the actual file.
M98 is showing:
M98 P"config.g" Error: Height map file 0:/sys/heightmap.csv not found HTTP is enabled on port 80 FTP is disabled TELNET is disabled Warning: Heater 0 predicted maximum temperature at full power is 346°C Warning: Heater 1 predicted maximum temperature at full power is 527°C Warning: Macro file config-override.g not found So this should be fine regarding the BLTouch.
My Deployprobe.g:
M280 P0 S10 ; Deploy the BLTouch pin My Retractprobe.g:
M280 P0 S90 ; Retract the BLTouch pin Thanks!
@asimitabi In that case, I'd suspect a continuity problem on the white servo control wire. Check it's connected to the right pin on the connector, too.
@droftarts I double checked it now its connected and there is no cable/connection problem.
Here is a photo of the i02 pin:
The z-Probe status is "1000" all the time -
@gixxerfast holy sh*t I am so dumb where can I give back my engineering degree?
Thank you guys and sorry for that...with the two large plugs, I apparently looked a pin row later...
Thanks again and regards!
Also make sure to have a look in here (or newer docs preferably)//
I guess you want the pwm capability.