Duet 0.6 temp problem
Hello and excuse me for my poor english (I write from Italy).
I have a problem with my old Ormerod 2 (528.2), equiped with a Duet 0.6: I finally decided to update firmware (now 1.26.1) and web interface (1.22.6)..... but when I restarted the printer, bed and hotend show 2000° (open circuit) !
I test the thermistors (both values are 122k) and also wires appear ok. Pheraps a bad config.g or a vssa fuse problem?
This is my config heaters section:; Heaters
M305 P0 T10000 B3988 R4700 ; set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0
M143 H0 S120 ; set temperature limit for heater 0 to 120C
M305 P1 T100000 B4138 R4700 ; set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 1
M143 H1 S280 ; set temperature limit for heater 1 to 280CThanks
Did you make any other changes recently?
If you revert firmware version does it go back to normal?
@phaedrux Unfortunatly I didn't save my old config file
, so I can't verify the old configuration solves the problem.....
No other changes was made. -
@sm180 do you know what firmware version you were using before the upgrade?
Please post your whole config.g file.
@sm180 Some Duet 0.6 had 1k ohm series resistors, but that would only make the temperature read around 60C at room temperature (see https://reprapltd.com/reprappro/documentation/ormerod-2/commissioning/index.html#Setting_the_temperatures_correctly). And I don't think Ormerods were shipped with those boards.
I'd guess a config.g error. Please post your config.g
You can test the temperature inputs with resistors; I have these in my troubleshooting drawer, to plug straight onto the temperature input pins:
@droftarts My Duet appears like a "1k ohm" type - resistor R21 and R19 are marked "01b".
20220406_093127 (1).jpg....so I have to change the R4700 value! For 1k ohm Duet is it "R1000"?
@sm180 said in Duet 0.6 temp problem:
@droftarts My Duet appears like a "1k ohm" type - resistor R21 and R19 are marked "01b".
20220406_093127 (1).jpg....so I have to change the R4700 value! For 1k ohm Duet is it "R1000"?
Ok, I put "R1000" in config.g and..... IT WORKS!!!!
Thanks to the forum and nice printing ! -