BLTouch Not Working After Firmware Update to 3.4
Ok so uploaded the zip and performed the update. At this moment the problem still persists
Unrelated to your problem, but
@alecsanchez said in BLTouch Not Working After Firmware Update to 3.4:
G30 ;G1 H1 Z-305 F1800 ; move Z down until the endstop is triggered G92 Z0 ; set Z position to axis minimum (you may want to adjust this)
In your homez you have a G92 Z0 after the G30 to force the z position to 0. This is not likely what you intend to happen when using the probe as it would ignore the probe offset. Remove that G92 Z0.
When you updated to 3.4 did you use sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade on the Pi?
I don't see anything incorrect in your config, other than lacking a measured XYZ probe offset in G31.
Do you get any error messages when you send G30 by itself?
@Phaedrux Yes I did use sudo update and sudo apt upgrade. G30 also doesn't give me any error messages
Is the pin perhaps sticking? You say it drops when you do an emergency stop.
It doesn't seem like it, I can send m401/m402 successively many times and it doesn't stick. How it deploys when I emergency stop is very odd though. This never occurred before
I confirmed that bltouch still triggers and stops the bed if I deploy it and then send G30. I'm just not sure what is preventing it from deploying when I send g30
As a test can you add the M401 deploy command before the G30 in your homing macros and see if it behaves then? If it does work, does it retract afterwards?
@Phaedrux I added M401 to the homez.g macro and it did not deploy
Where did you add it?
Right before G30
Try adding a M400 between, like this.
G1 X Y positioning move
G30 -
; homez.g ; called to home the Z axis ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.3.10 on Wed Apr 06 2022 16:00:08 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) ;G90 ; relative positioning ;G1 Z5 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position G90 M401 G1 X222 Y500 F6000 ; go to first probe point G30 ;G1 H1 Z-305 F1800 ; move Z down until the endstop is triggered ;G92 Z0 ; set Z position to axis minimum (you may want to adjust this) ; Uncomment the following lines to lift Z after probing G91 ; relative positioning G1 Z5 F100 ; lift Z relative to current position G90 ; absolute positioning
I added it here now and it did deploy, but it did not retract after I triggered it with my finger. However it did stop the bed. M401/M402 commands did not work after this
@phaedrux The M400 commands did not appear to work, bltouch did not deploy
Does M401 and M402 work manually and repeatedly when the print head is in the probing position? Perhaps it's a loose cable when in certain locations.
@Phaedrux I found something interesting about this situation, sorry for the late reply. So if the y axis is homed and the y endstop is triggered, the probe will deploy and retract normally. But if I home the z axis in a location thats not at y-min, it wont deploy since the y endstop isn't triggered. However if I manually trigger the y endstop while in the process of homing z, the probe will deploy. Very odd
What relation does your Y axis endstop wiring have with the BLtouch wiring? Are they co-located possibly causing interference? Or a short?
y-endstop is on io1, bltouch is on io4. They are right above eachother on the board, but the wires are not run through the same path if that makes sense
Just for fun, can you move the Y endstop to another input further away?
Yea I just tried moving it to io2 and it does the same. It does appear the y-endstop is shorting the bltouch somehow, just not sure why
What kind of endstop is it?