Problems with Duet 3 Mini 5+ WiFi
@phaedrux Yes I have.
And do your pairs match what they show in the data sheet?
@phaedrux Yes they do.
And how are they connected to the Duet?
When do you get the out of phase errors?
Does that happen on every driver?
@phaedrux I get the error when I try to home it. Tried different drivers and different motors. The error comes up when I press home. After a second the motor turns in the correct direction and after about 20 seconds or so it stutters.
Can you share your config file?
And it happens to every driver and with different motors? The scope of the problem keeps creeping.
Can you also post your homing files if that's when the problem happens?
If you want to test movement on an unhomed axis use
G1 H2 Z10
for instance. -
@phaedrux Is that why I'm getting an error?
Do you have motors connected to all of the drivers when you test?
What is the exact error you're getting?
I see you have sensorless homing set for X and Y. Do you have endstop switches as well? That can simplify things during initial setup.
@phaedrux I have senseless homing set in the config but not calibrated. 8 don't have any endstop switches.
@unforgivenll G1 H2 X10 makes the motor lock up and whine.
Ok, so sensorless homing is going to take some configuring to get working. I would suggest that you put that off until you've done some more testing and commissioning.
You can also force the axis to be homed by sending
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
for example which would make the firmware think that the current position is at the low end for each axis. This can be useful for testing.Basically we need to test movement without homing (or sensorless homing in this case)
The same can be done by using G1 H2 commands to ignore the homed state and just move the motor.
Do you get the errors when trying those means of moving the motor?
M906 X650 Y650 Z650 E650 I30 ; set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent
Are your motor currents set correctly for the motors?
Aim to set M906 to ~60% to 80% of the max rated for the motor.
@phaedrux The extruder seems to work perfectly (LGX). The max current on the sheet says 0.65 a. I hope the whole build doesn't go like this.
@unforgivenll the extruder is on the tool board (If that's means anything.)
@unforgivenll said in Problems with Duet 3 Mini 5+ WiFi:
The max current on the sheet says 0.65 a
That's the Moons motor whose data sheet you posted earlier?
If they are max 650ma and you have the current set to 650ma in M906 you're giving them 100% power. An easy way to test finding the right current is to add an M913 command after your M906. M913 is used to alter the motor current by a percentage. For example:
M906 X650 Y650 Z650 M913 X60 Y60 Z60 Would reduce the current to 60% of the rated max, which is a good value to start with.
Do you have other motors to test with or are they all the same?
Have you tried the extruder motor on the main board? What max current does it take?
When you change motors make sure you're also updating the config to match the settings they need. In this case the extruder motor seems to work and will take 650ma so you should be safe to try it on X and Y. Just make sure to power off before unplugging.
@phaedrux The extruder is mounted and wired already. I bought 4 Moons motors as I plan to have dual Z, one on EO on the mainboard (A problem I'll have in the future I'm sure.). So 390ma for the motors? That's not too low?
@unforgivenll The Extruder is a different (LDO) motor and wired differently.