Euclid facility
hello friends I installed the Euclid probe but I really need help to configure it thank you in advance
my config
M558 K0 P5 C"^" H8 F300 T9000 A3 S0.01
; K0 for probe 0, P5 for NC switch, C for input pin,
; ^ for enabling the native pullup resistor on Duet 2
; hardware running RRF3
; H dive height of 8mm, F300 probing speed 6mm/sec,
; T9000 travel speed 150mm/sec,
; A3 number of probes 1, S0.01 max tolerance of 0.01
;G31 P50 X-1 Y-20 Z1.444 ; Set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
G31 K0 P500 X-27.955 Y-18.716 Z1.033 ; CHECK for LOOSE things first! set Z probe trigger
; value, offset and trigger height. Higher numbers
; makes nozzle closer to bed
; switch plunger is 16.4mm to the LEFT and 29.27mm in
; FRONT of the nozzle. Switch triggers 0.9mm BELOW nozzle
M556 S50 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set orthogonal axis compensation parameters -
when I raise the bed it touches the probe but does not stop even though the probe is on and plugged in I do not understand and the command m401 and m402 nothing happens
Did this probe come with instruction?
@phaedrux hello non
@sgk instructions are here
@r4ffers Hello OK thank you I'll go look at the documentation
@r4ffers I don't understand I have to do a retract and deploy file I can't understand and in addition it doesn't give how to put the m558 line on their site it's for a duet 2 and I have a duet 3.
@sgk Hi, this is my M558 line.
M558 K0 P8 C"^" T18000 F600:180 H5 A10 S0.03
You'll also need a G31 line.
Please make sure to check Duet docs, don't just add stuff to your config as all machines are different. -
@r4ffers I understand but it's hard for me I'm a novice so there are a lot of things that I have trouble understanding. Thanks for line 558.
@sgk have a look in duet docs at M558 and G31 so you know what each element does. Also look at the Euclid link I posted earlier which will take you through the commissioning side of it. Pretty sure there's macro examples for deploy and retract posted there too.
@r4ffers Yes thank you indeed I have already configured everything on config bed home z but when I launch home The bed does not go up and the probe does not stop the bed going up.
M561 ; clear any bed transform
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 H2 Z5 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position
G90 ; absolute positioning
G28 ; home all
G30 P0 X10 Y175 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, half way along Y axis
G30 P1 X330 Y175 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors
G29 S0 ; probe the bed and enable compensation
M291 P"Leveling finished !" R"Probing.." S1 T2; ***********************************************************
; Euclid Probe Independant Screw Leveling Macro
; RRF3.X Firmware Example
; saveas system/bed4point.g
; could save it as conventional bed.g but for illustration purposes
; the name is purposefully altered
; comments and echo statements throughout are provided for convenience
; ***********************************************************
; probe is -16.4 in X -29.4 in Y bed is 290 in X 325 in Y
; locations of probe points are at
; (18, 285) (270,285)
; (18,65) (270,65)
; adjust coords so that probe hits symmetric points on the bed and avoids dock
; echo "Running bed4point.g"
M558 F60 A3 ; fix probe speed to 1mm/s
G4 P250G30 P0 X18.0 Y65.0 F9000.0 Z-99999 ; probe front left PEI
G30 P1 X18.0 Y285.0 F9000.0 Z-99999 ; probe back left PEI
G30 P2 X270.0 Y285.0 F9000.0 Z-99999 ; probe back right PEI
G30 P3 X270.0 Y65.0 F9000.0 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near front right leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors PEI
; echo "bed4point.g complete"
M208 X-3.50 Y0 Z0 S1 ; Set axis minima
M208 X330 Y320 Z350 S0 ; Set axis maxima; ================ Endstops ======================= M574 X1 S1 P"" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on X via pin
M574 Y2 S1 P"" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on Y via pin
M574 Z1 S2 ; configure Z-probe endstop for low end on Z; ================ Z-Probe ========================
;M558 P8 C"" A5 H5 F120 T15000 ; set Z probe type to unmodulated and the dive height + speeds (for Mini IR sensor M558 P8 C"" A2 H5 F120 T15000)
M558 K0 P5 C"" H8 F300 T9000 A3 S0.01
; K0 for probe 0, P5 for NC switch, C for input pin,
; ^ for enabling the native pullup resistor on Duet 2
; hardware running RRF3
; H dive height of 8mm, F300 probing speed 6mm/sec,
; T9000 travel speed 150mm/sec,
; A3 number of probes 1, S0.01 max tolerance of 0.01
;G31 P50 X-1 Y-20 Z1.444 ; Set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
G31 K0 P500 X-27.955 Y-18.716 Z1.033 ; CHECK for LOOSE things first! set Z probe trigger
; value, offset and trigger height. Higher numbers
; makes nozzle closer to bed
; switch plunger is 16.4mm to the LEFT and 29.27mm in
; FRONT of the nozzle. Switch triggers 0.9mm BELOW nozzle
M556 S50 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set orthogonal axis compensation parametersM557 X20:270 Y20:270 P3 ; Define mesh grid
; ***********************************************************
; Euclid Probe Fixed Dock M401 Deploy Probe Macro
; RRF3.X Firmware Example
; saveas system/deployprobe.g
; comments and echo statements throughout are provided for convenience
; ***********************************************************
; __________________________________________________________________________
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | * Probe Ready Position |
; | X150 Y150 |
; | |
; | |
; | * Dock staging position |
; | X0 Y70 |
; | |
; | |
; | * Dock Exit Position |
; | X0 Y40 |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | X0 Y0 X30 Y0 X100 Y0 |
; | * Dock * Dock Side * Dock Preflight |
; |________________________________________________________________________|
; Above is example 300x300 bed to coorelate with macros and movements below.
; This example is for a fixed dock, fixed gantry/carraige and moving bed motion system.
; RailCore, Ender5, V-Core3, etc...
; coordinates are re-written below above the macrosecho "Running deployprobe.g"
if !move.axes[0].homed || !move.axes[1].homed ; If the printer hasn't been homed, home it
M98 P"0:/sys/homexy.g"; uncomment next line to echo the probe deploy state
; echo "Object Model Deployuser token =" ^sensors.probes[0].deployedByUserM564 H1 S0 ; Allow movement BEYOND axes boundaries (for Y to reach probe dock)
G91 ; relative positioning
echo "Lift Z in advance of deploy"
G0 H2 Z15 F3000 ; move Z 15 for clearance above dock.
; ; need to figure out some safety check on this
G90 ; absolute positioning; uncomment next line to echo the probe value
; echo "Probe Value =" ^sensors.probes[0].value[0]if sensors.probes[0].value[0]!=1000 ; if sensor is value other than 1000 do this
; uncomment next line to echo the probe deploy state
; echo "deployuser token = " ^sensors.probes[0].deployedByUser
; echo "Probe State = " ^sensors.probes[0].value[0]
abort "deployprobe start value Probe already picked up. Manually return probe to the dock"; if we're here we know it's becasue the above is true which I assume is because you have an NC switch as a probe.
; echo "Passed first logic test to deploy probe";Preflight position is X100 Y8.5
;Dock Side position is at X30 Y8.5
;Docked probe postion is at X0 Y8.5
;Dock exit point is at X0 Y40
;Dock Re-Entry Staging Position is at X0 Y70
;Probe Ready Position X150 Y150; echo "Probe Pickup macro running"
G0 X100 Y8.5 F6000 ; move to Preflight Position
M400 ; wait for moves to finishG0 X30 Y8.5 F6000 ; move to Dock Side dock location
M400 ; wait for moves to finish; uncomment next line to echo the probe deplot state
; echo "Object Model Deployuser token (before while loop) = " ^sensors.probes[0].deployedByUserG0 X0 Y8.5 F3000 ; move over Dock
G4 P500 ; pause 0.5 seconds
M400 ; wait for moves to finish; uncomment next line to echo the probe value
; echo "Probe Value =" ^sensors.probes[0].value[0]G0 X0 Y40 F300 ; slide probe out of dock - slowly
G0 X170 Y170 F3000 ; move to re-entry position
M400 ; wait for moves to finishecho "Probe Pickup complete"
; uncomment to echo the probe deploy state
; echo "Object Model Deployuser token (after while loop) = " ^sensors.probes[0].deployedByUserG90 ; absolute positioning
G0 X170 Y170 G3000 ; move to the center of the bed
M400 ; wait for moves to finishif sensors.probes[0].value[0]!=0
; uncomment to echo the probe deploy state
echo "Object Model Deployuser token (in abort if section)= " ^sensors.probes[0].deployedByUser
abort "Deployprobe endvalue not 0 Probe not picked up! Deployt cancelled."M564 H1 S1 ; Restrict movement to within axes boundaries (for normal Y movement)
echo "Macro deployprobe.g complete"
; ***********************************************************
; Euclid Probe Fixed Dock Retract Probe Macro M402
; RRF3.x Firmware Example
; saveas system/retractprobe.g
; comments and echo statements throughout are provided for convenience
; ***********************************************************
; __________________________________________________________________________
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | * Probe Ready Position |
; | X150 Y150 |
; | |
; | |
; | * Dock Re-entry staging position |
; | X0 Y70 |
; | |
; | |
; | * Dock Exit Position |
; | X0 Y40 |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | X0 Y0 X30 Y0 X100 Y0 |
; | * Dock * Dock Side * Dock Preflight |
; |________________________________________________________________________|
; Above is example 300x300 bed to coorelate with macros and movements below.
; This example is for a fixed dock, fixed gantry/carraige and moving bed motion system.
; RailCore, Ender5, V-Core3, etc...
; coordinates are re-written below above the macrosecho "running retractprobe.g macro"
; uncomment next line to echo the probe deploy state
; echo "Object Model Deployuser token =" ^sensors.probes[0].deployedByUser; Preflight position is X100 Y0
; Dock Side position is at X30 Y0
; Docked probe postion is at X0 Y0
; Dock exit point is at X65 Y0
; Dock Re-Entry Staging Position is at X0 Y70
; Probe Ready Position X150 Y150G90 ; absolute positioning
M564 S0 ; allow beyond limit axis to print area
if sensors.probes[0].value[0]!= 0
echo "Probe Value =" ^sensors.probes[0].value[0]
echo "Object Model Deployuser token =" ^sensors.probes[0].deployedByUser
abort "retractprobe: Probe not currently picked up!"; echo "pass first logic loop"
; uncomment next line to echo the probe value and probe deploy state
; echo "Probe Value =" ^sensors.probes[0].value[0]
; echo "Object Model Deployuser token =" ^sensors.probes[0].deployedByUserG0 X0 Y70 F3000 ; move to ready position
M400 ; wait for moves to finishG0 X0 Y30 F3000 ; move to the entry position for the dock
M400 ; wait for moves to finishG0 X0 Y8.5 F300 ; move into the dock position
M400 ; wait for moves to finish
G4 P250 ; pause 250 usecsG0 X30 Y8.5 F6000 ; move to the side adjacent to the dock swiping the probe off
G0 X100 Y8.5 F3000 ; move to the side adjacent to the dock swiping the probe off
M400 ; wait for moves to finish; uncomment next line to echo the probe value and probe deploy state
; echo "Probe Value =" ^sensors.probes[0].value[0]
; echo "Object Model Deployuser token =" ^sensors.probes[0].deployedByUserG0 X170.0 Y170.0 F6000 ; move to the center of the bed
M400 ; wait for moves to finishM564 S1 ; limit axis to print area
; echo "complete movement commands"
if sensors.probes[0].value[0]!= 1000
; echo "Probe Value =" ^sensors.probes[0].value[0]
; echo "Object Model Deployuser token =" ^sensors.probes[0].deployedByUser
abort "retractprobe.g Probe not correctly dropped off in dock!"M564 H1 S1 ; Restrict movement to within axes boundaries (for normal Y movement)
echo "Macro retractprobe.g complete"
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 H2 Z5 F6000 S2 ; lift Z relative to current position
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X152 Y166.4 F6000 ; go to first probe point
G30 ; home Z by probing the bed; Uncomment the following lines to lift Z after probing
;G91 ; relative positioning
;G1 Z5 F100 ; lift Z relative to current position
;G90 ; absolute positioning; ***********************************************************
; Euclid Probe homez.g Example Macro
; RRF3.X Firmware Example
; saveas system/homez.g
; comments and echo statements throughout are provided for convenience
; ***********************************************************if !move.axes[0].homed || !move.axes[1].homed ; If the printer hasn't been homed, home it
M98 P"0:/sys/homexy.g"
M561 ; clear any bed transform
M290 S0 R0 ; clear baby steps
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 H2 Z6 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position to clear any obstructions
G90 ; absolute positioning
; echo "Call deployprobe.g macro"
M401 P0 ; This runs macro file deployprobe
; echo "Return"
G1 X145 Y162.5 F9000 ; go to center of bed in advance of probe that point
; echo "G30 Command"
G30 ; Probe the bed at the current XY position. When the probe is triggered,
; adjust the Z offset of the current tool to make the current position Z=0.
G1 Z10 ; raise Z=10
G4 P500
; echo "Call bed4point.g macro"
M98 P"0:/sys/bed4point.g" ; tram bed
; echo "Return"
G1 X145 Y162.5 F9000 ; go back to the first probe point and reprobe 0 in case it moved
; echo "Call retractprobe.g macro"
M402 P0 ; retract probe
; echo "Return"
G1 Z10 F600 ; lift Z relative to current position
G90 ; absolute positioning
M564 S1 H0 ; reset the bounding limits
; G1 X150 Y0 F9000 ; move carraige to center front -
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 H2 Z5 F6000 S2 ; lift Z relative to current position
G1 H1 X-355 Y355 F6000 ; move quickly to X or Y endstop and stop there (first pass)
G1 H1 X-355 ; home X axis
G1 H1 Y355 ; home Y axis
G1 X5 Y-5 F6000 ; go back a few mm
G1 H1 X-355 F400 ; move slowly to X axis endstop once more (second pass)
G1 H1 Y355 ; then move slowly to Y axis endstop
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X170 Y180 F6000 ; go to first probe point X11.5 Y65.8 Z0 The coordinate put the Z sensor in the center of the bed.
G30 ; Probe; Uncomment the following lines to lift Z after probing
;G91 ; relative positioning
;G1 Z5 F100 ; lift Z relative to current position
;G90 ; absolute positioning -