Firmware Retraction Macros not taking effect until next print.
do you have to change all the printer settings in the cura plugin to match your config? or can i just uncheck them all and only have firmware retraction enabled
Check your sliced code.
If firmware retraction is enabled correctly you should only see G10 when retraction occurs and G11 to in-retract.
If it is not, you will see something like G1 E-1.2
If the latter code is present then your RRF retraction settings would not be implemented as there is no G10, which sounds like what you're seeing. -
@owend yup thats whats happening. so how do i fix it?
You need to set up Cura properly for RRF firmware retraction and re-slice your file.
I don't use Cura so hopefully someone who does can offer specific advice. -
I think it's still the case that if you want to use firmware retraction in Cura you need to install the "Printer Settings" plugin, which will expose the firmware retraction option.
@phaedrux I did that but didnt realize you also need to still check the box for enable retraction in the cura settings. Im not sure if the numbers are arbitrary or if they affect anything relatively. but it is indeed working now... Im just almost to 3mm retraction to my .8 nozzle and still getting some oozing.
im just having trouble understanding the relationship of cura settings for retraction and acceleration compared to firmware settings... Does having everything enabled in the firmware overwrite curas generated values? or do i need to go through and match my firmware settings with everything in cura?
Like there are a whole lot of printer settings in that plugin that dont match my printer at all... Does the plugin start throwing anything off if its installed and not changed? or does having the settings all hidden except for the firmware retraction keep them from interfering?
When using firmware retraction in Cura the retraction settings in Cura no longer have any impact.
There are many settings in the printer settings plugin. You can try and update them to match your computer as much as possible, but don't worry about it too much. Changing the maximum speed values, etc can make your time estimates more accurate.
@phaedrux so any idea whats causing the github macros to additively affect my retraction distances on the next print? Do they overwrite my config distances? or add to it? I found a good distance on a retraction test print. Then when i updated my config with the reported values on the next print my unretract distance was a combination of all the adjustments i made on the test print and instead of being .78mm it was 4.78mm.
do i need to use the reset retraction macro after i make the config change?
@anvil said in Firmware Retraction Macros not taking effect until next print.:
so any idea whats causing the github macros to additively affect my retraction distances on the next print?
Which macros are you talking about specifically?
There is no additive mode. The retraction value will be whatever the last retract command set.
@phaedrux I'm using your tuning macros from github.
I followed your setup instructions and found my settings via a retraction tower test ... Then updated the reported values to my config. So it has retraction settings set to .8/.78 @ 45mm/s in my m207 down below the custom settings.
And ive matched that everywhere.. in cura and also edited the "return retraction settings to default" macro to those settings as well.
and for whatever reason after that retraction tower test whenever i start a new print my reported retraction value is .8/ 1.78 @ 60mm/s
So i have to use the reset macro and then then other retraction macros to get back to my preferred setting...
I can get it back to my settings fairly quickly but Im trying to not have to navigate my macros as fast as i can while it's laying the first layer down.
I'm not sure what your gcode looks like, but the settings for firmware retraction will be applied by whatever M207 command was sent last. So if you have values during a print that you aren't expecting, there must be an errant M207 command somewhere. So review your config.g, slicer start gcode, etc to see what is where.
You can send M207 by itself at anytime in the console to get the current settings reported to you.