Duet 3 Expansion Board 3HC Motors Not Working Properly... Again!
Jered 13 Oct 2022, 10:47
Hey guys, so I had this problem happen again. The motor was not turning after I changed the config (accel setting) and rebooted.So I changed the time on the G4 command to 8 instead of 5. So:
G4 S8It seems to be working now. But I am now not convinced that this is a permanent fix.
Any thoughts?
Attached is my config.
config.g -
So, this problem just occurred again. It happens when I make a change to the config. After saving the config, it asks if I want to read the config again or restart the controller. Well, if I tell it to just read the config again, the motors connected to the expansion board will not work at a feed rate of 5000 mm/m or higher.
So, to get the motors to work again I told the controller to restart after the config edit and the motors did work. It appears that just reading the config is not good enough. I am wondering, due to the amount of boards I have connect to the main board may be a problem.
Let me know what you think. My config is attached in the previous reply.
Also, I am adjusting the M201 and M566 setting to try and get better quality, however, these setting seem to have no effect on the machine.
I made huge adjustment to them just to see what happens and I don't see anything. I will probably end up starting a new discussion for this.
I looked "quickly" in your config.g.
The jerk value of your Z axis is too low.
You have 6mm/min standing there. With this value, your Z axis hardly moves.
Change this value to 1200.This line means...
M566 X480.00 Y480.00 Z6.00 E120.00:120.00:120.00:120.00:120.00:120.00:120.00:120.00 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)You can also set the values for the extruders to 1200, unless... 120 is wanted.
Google Translate
-- Original Text --Ich habe mal "schnell" in Deine config.g geguckt.
Der Jerk Wert Deiner Z Achse ist zu niedrig.
Du hast dort 6mm/min stehen. mit diesem Wert kommt Deine Z Achse ja kaum in Bewegung.
Ändere diesen Wert mal auf 1200.Diese Zeile ist gemeint...
M566 X480.00 Y480.00 Z6.00 E120.00:120.00:120.00:120.00:120.00:120.00:120.00:120.00 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)Die Werte für die Extruder kannst Du auch auf 1200 stellen, außer... 120 sind gewollt.
480mm/min for X and Y is OK.
I also have these values for myself and the jerk with 480mm/min makes a soft pressure movement.
The higher the value here, the more abruptly the axis is accelerated and decelerated.Again, think about the printer settings in the slicer, which can adopt this setting if the value in the slicer is lower.
Google Translate
-- Original Text --P.S.:
480mm/min für X und Y ist OK.
Bei mir habe ich auch diese Werte und der Jerk mit 480mm/min macht eine weiche Druckbewegung.
Je höher hier der Wert, desto abrupter wird die Achse Beschleunigt und abgebremst.Denke auch hier an die Drucker-Einstellungen im Slicer, die diese Einstellung übernehmen können falls der Wert im Slicer niedriger ist.
Thanks for noticing the Z setting.This is the wrong thread for this topic. I have 2 topics going on at the same time.
This one is for the expansion board not working properly after saving the config and then reading the config vs rebooting the main board.
Ah ok
The first thing I noticed in config.g was what could cause problems.
You wrote "the motor doesn't turn" and I thought it might have something to do with it, because 6mm/min is almost stationary.
You also mentioned the M566 and M201 command line.
But no matter, I'll try not to confuse the two threads anymore.Regarding the problem with saving the config.g or reading the config or a restart...
With some changes to config.g it is advisable to restart the board after saving.
Maybe with so many boards you use it's always better to do a reboot instead of just re-reading the config.g?It's only in the phase of setting up the printer that you change config.g so often.
Later, when everything works, you do it less and less.
Therefore, you should bite the bullet and restart after each change... it only takes a few seconds longer.Regarding the problem that the board needs a minute's silence when starting (G4 S8)...
Have you ever tested your SD card?
Is it fast enough?
Could it be due to a slow SD card?Google Translate
-- Original Text --Ah, OK
Es ist mir in der config.g nur als erstes aufgefallen was Probleme machen könnte.
Du hast geschrieben "der Motor dreht sich nicht" und da dachte ich es könnte damit zusammen hängen, weil 6mm/min ist fast Stillstand.
Außerdem hast Du die M566 und M201 Befehlszeile angesprochen.
Aber egal, ich werde versuche die beiden Threads nicht mehr durcheinander zu bringen.Zu dem Problem mit dem speichern der config.g bzw das lesen der config oder einem Neustart...
Bei manchen Änderungen an config.g ist es ratsam das Board nach dem speichern neu zu starten.
Vielleicht ist es bei so vielen Boards die Du nutzt, immer besser einen Neustart zu machen anstatt die config.g einfach nur neu einzulesen ?Es ist ja auch nur in der Phase der Einstellung des Druckers, das man die config.g so oft ändert.
Später wenn alles funktioniert macht man es ja immer seltener.
Von daher solltest Du in den sauren Apfel beißen und nach jeder Änderung einen Neustart zu machen... es sind ja nur wenige Sekunden die es länger dauert.Zu dem Problem dass das Board eine Gedenkminute beim Start braucht (G4 S8)...
Hast Du schon einmal Deine SD Karte getestet ?
Ist die schnell genug ?
Könnte es an einer zu langsameren SD Karte liegen ? -
I just read the old thread why the G4 S8 is necessary.
So command back.But testing your SD card is always good.
Some problems can be caused by slow SD cards. -
undefined Norder referenced this topic
The SD card is a nice one, so it is fast. The kind I use in my drone. They have to be fast for recording 6KI have not had the problem again since restarting the controller instead of rereading the config file, so I guess this is a non-issue.
@Jered said in Duet 3 Expansion Board 3HC Motors Not Working Properly... Again!:
After saving the config, it asks if I want to read the config again or restart the controller.
I think when it asks if you want to read the config again or reboot if you choose to read it again it basically does a M98 P"config.g" to re-execute the config.g file as a macro. Usually that's enough, but as you say, perhaps it has to do with the high number of expansion boards you have.
undefined Norder referenced this topic