Thanks again guys for your help! Here is a vid so you can see a bit more of what I am doing.

Best posts made by Jered
RE: No Step/Dir Signal from Duet 3 Expansion 1XD
RE: Trouble with M201 and M566 settings
I didn't even think to check those files. You are right!The accel was being changed in home x, y, and home all! I have changed them all to match the config and all is well!
Thanks so much for bringing this up. I am so use to the "out of the box" printers that I didn't even think to check those files.
Thanks To All Of You Guys!
It can't be easy dealing with us noobs
RE: Height map does not match home position
Thank for your help guys! I think this is all sorted out. Everything seems to match now.
RE: No Step/Dir Signal from Duet 3 Expansion 1XD
Would that look something like this,
M950 H2 C"out1" + "out2" T1 ; create nozzle heater output on out1 and out2 then map it to sensor 1 -
RE: Using the keyboard to manually drive the printer?
Thanks!!This did install! I will play around with it today!
RE: SBC loses network connection, alot!
So, I changed that file from info to debug, then restarted it with the command you gave me, plus I rebooted the sbc.I guess we will wait and see what happens.
RE: No Step/Dir Signal from Duet 3 Expansion 1XD
I updated the firmware, it matches all the other boards and I have gave it an address of 44.
However, I encounter the problem again! The board only had the 5v light on, but I solved the problem. See video below. Hope this might help others as well.
RE: Using the keyboard to manually drive the printer?
I will have a look at this, but the keyboard is cheaper and easier. Have you guys ever looked at Mach4 (Newfangled Solutions) and the way that they handle code and their software solutions? They are kind of the standard for consumer grade cnc controller software. It would be nice if you guys could steal some of their business by integrating some of those features they offer into your DWC. Real time gcode viewing and manually manipulating the machine while the DRO's update in real time as well are some major features that are needed.Being able to see the gcode scrolling by as the machine is milling is very handy when there is a problem. If a problem occurs, I can pause the machine, look at the line of code it is on, correct the problem, put the machine at the correct line of gcode and hit go again. This way I don't have to start over or scrap something that could be saved.
You guys have a very good product! I think it is under utilized do to a few missing elements that could be added (for the cnc world that is).
I use your product to build incredible industrial 3d printers that have 13 stepper on one machine! I also build industrial cnc's for people in all kinds of industries. Unfortunately, I have to use a different software/controller package to do it. I would like to switch to using one controller for all applications.
I should have minored in programing so I could help out with this. I am a EE, and can program PLC's, but anything else is out of my reach.
Anyways, your product is amazing for 3D printers. It's the only one I use! I hope someday it will be the best all around controller!!
Thanks for your help!
Below is my latest project, which is converting an Ender 5 to a multi material Duet machine.
RE: Using Duet to control robot arm
@alankilian Thanks for your feedback. I didn't even think about the motors being servos. I can get hybrid stepper/servo drives that will work with the 1XD boards. That's what I use on my cnc.
I am going to ask this company some more questions.
RE: Return to position gcode
I understand. I think this can be closed. I get it now.
I really appreciate your help!
You guys are the best!
Latest posts made by Jered
RE: Version 3.5.2 is giving me issues!
This finished again with no issues so I guess there is no problem. -
RE: Version 3.5.2 is giving me issues!
I typed this in the terminal window, hit enter, and nothing happened. It didn't error either, just nothing. Would the output be in the terminal or does it store that somewhere else? -
RE: Version 3.5.2 is giving me issues!
There error is this
Error: in job file (channel File) line 0: Illegal parameter letter ','and yes to your question.
I removed the quotes I had put around it. That being said, yes I agree, the error does not make sense. It was weird when this happened. It automatically canceled my job. Not sure if, due to the many nozzle heater faults I was having due to the bad autotune that somehow caused it.
I have never seen code with a line zero . -
RE: Version 3.5.2 is giving me issues!
I can get rid of the comments if it helps.
Here it is without comments;
Freeze_Pipe_Joint_Adapter.gcodeThis file gave that error 75% of the way through the print. So the "line 0" part of the error doesn't even make sense.
RE: Version 3.5.2 is giving me issues!
So this ghost run of the file above worked fine with no problems, so now I am going to run it again with filament. -
RE: Version 3.5.2 is giving me issues!
Oops, forgot about that. Below is the file.
Freeze_Pipe_Joint_Adapter.gcode -
RE: Version 3.5.2 is giving me issues!
I believe the last version was 3.3, but honestly I never updated this data in the config.
I am running in SBC mode and I did update all boards. The thing that is really getting me is the temp overshoot. It seems the new autotune sucks. I found my old values before using the latest method from your site and now it works fine. It was over shooting be 15 deg then faulting out. The autotune process itself works fine, but the values for R is way off.Here is the M122 dataM122 Info.txt
Currently I am running the gcode with no filament as you suggested. This run has the old autotune values and has not faulted as of yet. If it finishes, I will consider this good and will run the file again with filament.
I do really appreciate this forum and your help. You guys are the best! And because of your dedication, I never really get worried that problems with your products will get fixed. I am still wondering what caused this error "Error: in job file (channel File) line 0: Illegal parameter letter ','". Any ideas?
Version 3.5.2 is giving me issues!
Hey guys,
I just upgraded to the firmware version above and now I have issues with printing. I am using the same gcode as before and now I got this error 75% of the way through a print "Error: in job file (channel File) line 0: Illegal parameter letter ','". Now I have to start over!! Also, I constantly get nozzle heater faults. Never happened before. I did an auto tune, still have problems. The machine pauses for the nozzle heater faults. I don't see anything wrong with the temp, it just faults out when the tool changes and the temp swings due to filament being swapped. This is very annoying. Also I had to change some of my macros cause apparently the new firmware didn't like the way it was written. I have attached my config incase you want to see it. config.g -
RE: Creating height maps only where the part is being built
I will look at this closer, but I still think scanning the bed is the best way.Thanks!
RE: Creating height maps only where the part is being built
Thank you, I will have a look at that.