Can I update RRF & DWC on a CNC One?
Hello! About 1.5 years ago I bought a CNC through Kickstarter (CNC One). The company utilized RRF and DWC along with a custom-ish Duet 2 WiFi board. Unfortunately, they have recently pivoted to a different software platform and will no longer be supporting RRF and DWC. As their current implementation has not been updated and offers limited functionality, I wanted to upgrade the RRF and DWC to gain new features, etc. The company told me this was not possible due to all of the custom code used for their machine.
What would I need to do in order to update my software to the latest RRF and DWC without bricking my machine?
Board: Duet 2 WiFi (2WiFi)
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for CNC ONE WiFi 3.2.2 (r34) (2021-09-26)
Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.26Thanks in advance for any advice you might have!
@chipster are you able to get any photos of the board?
Looks like they rolled their own firmware versions. As it's an open source firmware they should release their own source, which would make things easier for bringing your CNC up to date -
@chipster looks like the source is here
So it should be fairly easy to understand what (if any) changes they have made to the board definitions for the board they're using.
Some photos would still be helpful -
@jay_s_uk Ok, here is a link to the board layout:
@chipster cool board. Since the Duet2 design is open source, you should ask CNC One for the source files for he board.
This is a similar situation to the Vivedino Troodon v1 board which mostly worked with stock RRF but due to a bug in v3.1 through 3.3 was not getting updates for a while. (Formbot/Vivedino ignored my request for source files and the v2 has an STM32 closed source board)
Depending on how true CNCOne kept to the DuetWifi design, you should be able to use the latest firmware. I will happily receive a board for testing since I like funky boards, but I dont have a CNC and shipping back and forth may be cost prohibitive.
@chipster looking at the source, they've made some changes to the Duet 2 Wifi pinout, such as removing support for built in drivers, changing the voltage divider etc so I don't think its going to be possible to just use a standard RRF build. I would suggest you're going to have to roll your own
@jay_s_uk That is what I feared. Out of curiosity, what is the process of rolling my own RRF build? I am not a software engineer so don't experience in this arena.
@chipster the requirements to build RRF can be found here.
The hardest part is going to be working out all the changes that have been made as they haven't forked the firmware in the correct wayon another note, could you post a couple of screenshots of DWC so we can see if they've made any/many changes from stock?
@chipster you may be able to see the changes they made here: