TCRT5000 IR sensor with M591
is it possible to use this sensor as a filament sensor? ERCF filament sensor uses this method to sense movement of filament similar to a encoder wheel I assume. I tried all the P1 to 7 and it is giving me a "error: unsuitable pin" in console.
any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
@tekstyle which Duet are you using, and which pin are you trying to use?
@dc42 duet2 with duex5
duex.e2stop is the pin I am using.
@tekstyle I don't know how you are trying to use that IR sensor as a filament monitor. However, for most types of filament monitor, RRF requires a low latency interrupt to be available on the pin that they are connected to. The endstop and gpio inputs on the DueX board do not provide a low latency interrupt, hence the error message.
thank you for looking into this, really appreciate it. the sensor monitor the movement of a bondtech gear. when I push a filament through pass the gear, I can see the monitoring led on both the sensor and the duex board light up and off just like an optical sensor would with an encoder wheel. I figured the normal 591 P7 would work because of that. that's all I know. I unfamiliar with latency in regards to how it relates to the sensor.
this is the sensor I am using: -
interesting enough, it works fine when i change duex.e3stop to e0stop. below is copy and pasted from console.
9/9/2023, 2:26:24 PM M591 D3 Pulse-type filament monitor on pin e0stop, disabled, sensitivity 5.000mm/pulse, allowed movement 5% to 1000%, check every 20.0mm, no data received 9/9/2023, 2:26:20 PM M591 D3 P7 C"e0stop" S0 R5:1000 L5 E20 A0 9/9/2023, 2:26:07 PM M591 D3 Extruder 3 has no filament sensor 9/9/2023, 2:20:45 PM M591 D3 P7 C"duex.e3stop" S0 R5:1000 L5 E20 A0 Error: M591: unsuitable pin -
damn. i think i found my issue. i have to move my endstops for XYZ and probe (my probe uses the Z end stop) to the duex.e[2-6]stop and reassign all the zstop,xstop, ystop, e0stop and e1stop for my filament sensors?
@tekstyle if you don't have a daughter board plugged into the DueX then you can also use the cs5 thru cs8 pins on the DueX daughterboard connector for filament monitors.
@dc42 said in TCRT5000 IR sensor with M591:
@tekstyle if you don't have a daughter board plugged into the DueX then you can also use the cs5 thru cs8 pins on the DueX daughterboard connector for filament monitors.
does that allow for pulse monitoring?
I was able to reassign all my endstops but just for my knowledge in the future if I want to use the daughter board for filament sensing as I might want to implement a switch in addition to pulse sensing to differentiate filament runout vs jam or clog.
@tekstyle yes those pins support low latency interrupt.