i got my accelerometer installed using a usb3 cable, i was able to get it working even over 3meters!! i generated the csv files but right now i am stuck at figuring out how to make use of the data. how do i know which frequency to use in M953 Fnn? do i actually need to print something to tune even with the accelerometer? i was under the impression that printing and measure ringing and calculating Hz wS only needed if you dont have an accelerometer to generate the csv files.

Best posts made by tekstyle
RE: Accelerometer Usage
RE: Tool change macro
thanks for the suggesting in 2. I will impliment a square move instead of a linear move. I assume this would also be useful to avoid majority of the half printed workpiece by moving around its perimeter.
I don't have a call to lock and unlock because I am using magnets.
RE: Tool select at beginning or end of tool change sequence?
i added this
echo "tpost" ; tfree, tpre, tpost t
in my free, pre and post scripts.
to see the behavior during tool change. found it registers the change after running tpost#.g
i added the m703 command in my Tpost.g script to get the filament parameters assigned to the proper tool.
so far so good.
RE: Setting tool offset using USB microscope
@Danal said in Setting tool offset using USB microscope:
@tekstyle said in Setting tool offset using USB microscope:
(not connected to the duet2. not sure how i would do it).
You can't. Don't connect it. It is really a stand-alone PI, just happens to be built with the Duet image as a start.
i followed this tutorial to set up duetpi on raspberry pi 3. took out the card and put it into the raspberry pi. powered it up, all i get is an endless list of EXT4-fs error lines after line. been doing this for the past 2 hours. not sure if I did something wrong?
Followed the Duet "etch" tutorial? And edited wpasupplicant.conf? And did NOT format when windows complained about the card after etching?
That last bit is the most important. The card is partitioned, with a windows readable "boot" partition and a much larger Linux partition. Windows tries to assign a drive letter to that Linux partition, balks, and asks to format it. Which you must always decline,
EXT4-fs is the file system that windows doesn't like, and asks to format. That certainly seems to relate to those error messages.
Yup. I followed the tutorial on duet exactly. Only thing was inside the boot partition, it already contained a wpasupplicant.conf file. I Openned itnin notepad and editted it with my ssid and PW. Pulled the card out and popped it in to the rpi. Then powered it up. Will try again tonight
RE: Setting tool offset using USB microscope
@tekstyle said in Setting tool offset using USB microscope:
@Danal said in Setting tool offset using USB microscope:
@tekstyle said in Setting tool offset using USB microscope:
(not connected to the duet2. not sure how i would do it).
You can't. Don't connect it. It is really a stand-alone PI, just happens to be built with the Duet image as a start.
i followed this tutorial to set up duetpi on raspberry pi 3. took out the card and put it into the raspberry pi. powered it up, all i get is an endless list of EXT4-fs error lines after line. been doing this for the past 2 hours. not sure if I did something wrong?
Followed the Duet "etch" tutorial? And edited wpasupplicant.conf? And did NOT format when windows complained about the card after etching?
That last bit is the most important. The card is partitioned, with a windows readable "boot" partition and a much larger Linux partition. Windows tries to assign a drive letter to that Linux partition, balks, and asks to format it. Which you must always decline,
EXT4-fs is the file system that windows doesn't like, and asks to format. That certainly seems to relate to those error messages.
Yup. I followed the tutorial on duet exactly. Only thing was inside the boot partition, it already contained a wpasupplicant.conf file. I Openned itnin notepad and editted it with my ssid and PW. Pulled the card out and popped it in to the rpi. Then powered it up. Will try again tonight
you won't believe this. I used my other laptop running windows 8, win32diskimager to load the duetpi image. and that worked. i have no idea why using balena etcher on win 10 doesn't work.
tilt sensor for delta printer
I was wondering if it would be possible to integrate one of these 3 pin tilt sensor to an endstop input on the duet2wifi. I am having issues with my magnetic rods falling down in the middle of a print and I need some way for the printer to do an emergency stop the moment it senses the smart effector tilting.
RE: connecting a BLDC controller to duet2
got it. and thank you for all your guys help
RE: tool change motor only spins in 1 direction
i was looking at that too and wonder whats going on as well. it doesnt seem to be related but ill have to look into it. i have physical drive 5 on the duex5 assigned as the extruder for tool 0 right now.
as for the tool change motor direction, it was a bad connection on the DIR wire. i swapped it out for a new one and all is fine.
thank you phaedrux!
RE: optical endstop in parallel to 1 endstop input
@fcwilt when no sensors are blocked, the e1 status will change. i need the change to happen when any 1 of 3 sensors becomes unblocked.
this is for a delta arm parallel sensor setup. hence the reason for 3 sensors. i need it to pause print when any one of the sensors trip (block to unblocked)
RE: optical endstop in parallel to 1 endstop input
I got the IC hooked up, and everything is working GREAT! thank you! This is actually a triple 3input OR gate. I just inverted the 1 and 0 in duet firmware.
Latest posts made by tekstyle
RE: TCRT5000 IR sensor with M591
@dc42 said in TCRT5000 IR sensor with M591:
@tekstyle if you don't have a daughter board plugged into the DueX then you can also use the cs5 thru cs8 pins on the DueX daughterboard connector for filament monitors.
does that allow for pulse monitoring?
I was able to reassign all my endstops but just for my knowledge in the future if I want to use the daughter board for filament sensing as I might want to implement a switch in addition to pulse sensing to differentiate filament runout vs jam or clog.
RE: TCRT5000 IR sensor with M591
damn. i think i found my issue.
https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Connecting_hardware/Sensors_filamentso i have to move my endstops for XYZ and probe (my probe uses the Z end stop) to the duex.e[2-6]stop and reassign all the zstop,xstop, ystop, e0stop and e1stop for my filament sensors?
RE: TCRT5000 IR sensor with M591
interesting enough, it works fine when i change duex.e3stop to e0stop. below is copy and pasted from console.
9/9/2023, 2:26:24 PM M591 D3 Pulse-type filament monitor on pin e0stop, disabled, sensitivity 5.000mm/pulse, allowed movement 5% to 1000%, check every 20.0mm, no data received 9/9/2023, 2:26:20 PM M591 D3 P7 C"e0stop" S0 R5:1000 L5 E20 A0 9/9/2023, 2:26:07 PM M591 D3 Extruder 3 has no filament sensor 9/9/2023, 2:20:45 PM M591 D3 P7 C"duex.e3stop" S0 R5:1000 L5 E20 A0 Error: M591: unsuitable pin
RE: TCRT5000 IR sensor with M591
thank you for looking into this, really appreciate it. the sensor monitor the movement of a bondtech gear. when I push a filament through pass the gear, I can see the monitoring led on both the sensor and the duex board light up and off just like an optical sensor would with an encoder wheel. I figured the normal 591 P7 would work because of that. that's all I know. I unfamiliar with latency in regards to how it relates to the sensor.
this is the sensor I am using:
https://amzn.to/3qXuh9q -
RE: TCRT5000 IR sensor with M591
@dc42 duet2 with duex5
duex.e2stop is the pin I am using.
TCRT5000 IR sensor with M591
is it possible to use this sensor as a filament sensor? ERCF filament sensor uses this method to sense movement of filament similar to a encoder wheel I assume. I tried all the P1 to 7 and it is giving me a "error: unsuitable pin" in console.
any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
RE: BD (bed distance) sensor
@dc42 sweet!!! crossing my fingers! thank you!
RE: BD (bed distance) sensor
Interesting. that is ultra fast bed scanning. will this be a feature for duet2 as well?
RE: BD (bed distance) sensor
Interesting. that is ultra fast bed scanning. will this be a feature for duet2 as well?
BD (bed distance) sensor
is it possible for duet to use the BD sensor for bed leveling/probing? I was in contact with the creators' FB group to ask what software it currently works with, and so far it's just marlin and Klipper. this new probe looks very promising so I was wondering if there is anything in future firmware updates for duet 2 and 3 to incorporate this feature.
what is the bd sensor?
https://github.com/markniu/Bed_Distance_sensorfor developers: