Can't print with daemon.g with 1sec loop
When I add a daemon.g with a 1 sec infinite loop (as recommended for 1sec events), I can't print anymore.
while true G4 P1000 ; Wait 1sec echo {"Loop " ^ iterations} I do see the console messages every sec, upload from Prusa Slicer goes normal, the printer enters the Printing state, but nothing happens and the bed heater does start heating as it should. If I remove daemon.g, everything works well.
Any suggestions?
I am using this version
EDIT: The system config and macros, and a sample gcode file I try to print, are here
Does it behave the same with G4 S1 instead of P1000?
Does it behave the same with 3.5 RC1? Or RC2?
@Phaedrux, same with the daemon.g below. I will try the RC and will report here.
while true G4 S1 ; Wait 1sec echo {"Loop " ^ iterations} -
@Phaedrux, to upgrade to 3.5.0 RC1 (this is the latest I find on github), do I just need to upload Duet3Firmware_Mini5plus.uf2 via the web interface?
Yes, and you'll also have to update DWC.
What file is it and how do I install it?
(I am using a standalone Duet Mini, no Raspberry Pi)
@Phaedrux, found the problem. 100% my fault. My Prusa slicer startup code injects the snippet below to the files I send to the printer. That's a result of lazy programming. Thanks for your help.
... ; This forces an immediate update of the neopixels color M98 P"/sys/daemon.g" ... -