Unsolved Z-axis / tramming issues with 3.6.0-alpha2+3
@o_lampe no this issue does not affect deltas.
@edsped thanks, looks like it's adjusting the 3rd leadscrew the wrong way on the second and subsequent iterations.
I have now reproduced and fixed this issue. I've prepared a new alpha release which I hope to make available tomorrow after some internal testing.
@dc42 Sweet, i just saw the commits and was about to ask for a build, but i'll wait til you've done the internal one
@dc42 Awesome, looking forward to giving it a try as improved input shaping looks very promising.
Running a 6HC board FWIW.
I've put 3.6.0-alpha.4 binaries at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/cckwiq91gn16hvl1zdjnp/AF0SMEtkVfiArSPeYaBDGPY?rlkey=kqkknk9q1kiq684u4s55ce8d4&dl=0. Release notes are at https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/wiki/Changelog-RRF-3.x-Beta#reprapfirmware-360-alpha4-in-preparation.
@dc42 said in Z-axis / tramming issues with 3.6.0-alpha2+3:
I've put 3.6.0-alpha.4 binaries at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/cckwiq91gn16hvl1zdjnp/AF0SMEtkVfiArSPeYaBDGPY?rlkey=kqkknk9q1kiq684u4s55ce8d4&dl=0. Release notes are at https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/wiki/Changelog-RRF-3.x-Beta#reprapfirmware-360-alpha4-in-preparation.
I've tried a couple "dry runs" now and it's been behaving so far at least.
I have a couple of test runs on mine now as well and tramming appears to be working as it should. For some reason input shaping doesn't seem as good as on earlier versions but will play more to verify.
On a side note I seem to be getting a lot of connection interrupted errors, pretty much the same as I get when running a web control and paneldue simultaneously, though paneldue has been disconnected for many months now.
Edit: Setup, Jubilee with MB6HC and (4) RRF 36 connected tools
Been printing on and off for several prints and knock on wood haven't had any tramming issues. Print quality is also very much improved over 3.52. Looking forward to further improvements.