bltouch interference with reprap endstop
Hi. I have nstalled am original bltouch, Wiring and config was done using instructions here:
And I guess all is ok because I can deploy the probe, do a probing with G30. All works.
But both my X and Y endstops have stopped working. Both of them are reprap endstops, they have a led that turns on when the endstop is triggered (I mention this because the wiring is diferent than a simple endstop.
Both endstops are NC configuration for them and bltocuh is:; ENDSTOPS M574 X1 S1 P"!" M574 Y1 S1 P"!" ; bltouch M950 S0 C"io7.out" M558 P9 C"" H5 F120 T6000 G31 X-7 Y37 Z3.93 P25 ; bltouch offsets M557 X7:193 Y3:195 S26.5:27.4 ; define mesh grid
Wirign for those endstops have conections on 3.3V, GND and pins (remember: these reprap endstoips require that extra conection in order for the led to work)
My problem is: when bltouch is connected, both X and Y endstops are triggered and remains in that state al, the time.
If I disconnect blotouch, both endstops works perfectly.Thios is a duet3, v 1.01, SBC mode with firmaware 3.5.2
Any ideas what is wrong here?
Thanks in advance for the help -
@Tinchus you say your endstops are NC, however as you have inverted the corresponding inputs in the M574 command, if they are simple microswitches then they must be NO. Endstops wired as NO are very susceptible to capacitively coupled interference. My guess is that the endstop wires are running close to the BLTouch wires and picking up interference from the BLTouch control signal.
Either change the switches to use the NC contacts, or use shielded wire for the endstops.
@dc42 Hi! That M574 config is requiered for the reprap endstops (without knowing really about electronics, those endstops are not simple microswitches)
As a precaution, yes, all cables are shielded.
But somethig else must be wrong here: without any kind of software or hardware modification, just a turn off of the electronics... and endstops are working and bl tocuh worked in a couple of tries.Now the problem is different:
,. M401 deploys the probe >>> OK works
.- M402 retracts the probe >>>> OK works
.- G28 Z0: all movements are performed but now probe is not deployed
:_ G30 >>>> movements are executed but the probe is not deployed
.- deployprobe.g >>>> checked, M280 P0 S10 OK. retractprobe.g is also there and OKIm going crazy....
@dc42 will later create another thread about this. If I Change the config as you request, the endstops dont work at all, even without the the bltouch being installed. The cables are separated from the bltouch cables 25 cms aprox. And I have protected all cables (endstops, heater cartridege, thermistor, motors) with metalic tape.
The endstops are these; the ones called "makerbot design prusa" -
@droftarts yes, I though the problem is completly different of this post.