Has anyone successfully repaired a faulty fuse holder?
Re: Duet 3 - Potentially defect fuse holder for OUT0
I have the exact same problem as the referenced thread. Unfortunately, mine isn't covered under warranty because I purchased it on eBay. I got ~100 hours out of it before the bed fault and melted fuse. It is a Duet3d board and not a clone, Revision v.1.0.
I'm wondering if anyone has managed to desolder the fuse holder and replace it, or if this board is destined for the trash at this point. Any advice is appreciated.
@MrEratus can we have a picture of the fuse holder form above and below. They are very well connected to the copper layers on the board so a pain to de-solder.
After removing the board, I swapped the fuse from the other holder to gauge the fit. It was very loose. I've started to clean it up a bit and I've given it a bit of a crimp, so now the fuse fits much tighter. I'm going to pop a new fuse in and see what happens.
@MrEratus yes that should work