smart effector ver 4 147 it flashes 9 times
i have issue with my smart effector ver 4 147 it flashes 9 times
voltage connected is 3.3 v or 5v it flashes 9 timeson a delta predator and Mellow fly super 5
@sankafola See
9 flashes - ... Vcc too low (version 3 and later)
Looks like it's not getting PSU power.
@droftarts but am putting on pin VCC the 3.3 v or the 5v , and how else the LED is light on if no VCC ?
@droftarts yes i see the cause as missing power but am putting 3.3v or 5v and both still cause the LED to flash 9 times
note: am connecting everything direct including the fans and the thirmister and the heater and the only connector on the smart effector connected is one have vcc 3.3v or 5v
@droftarts i also checked the voltage between the VCC and the GND and i have 5v there and LED is lit because there is voltage Unless you telling me the smart effector taking the VCC in another location beside this one ,
@sankafola the SE compares the ratio of the Vcc that its microcontroller receives with the output voltage from its internal regulator. It can happen that the Vcc or Gnd pin connection is bad but the SE receives phantom power via the Mod pin, which can be sufficient to light the LED. The other possibility is that the internal regulator has failed so its output voltage is too high.
Has this SE previously been working normally? When/where did you purchase it?
@dc42 hi , its bran new i just installed it , do you want me to messure voltage on the smart effector ? if yes from where to where
@sankafola are you able to measure the voltage between the Vcc and Gnd pins on the underside of the effector safely? That would remove the possibility of a bad crimp connection. Leave the 6-pin connector not connected as in your photo.
@dc42 if i leave the connector off where it will get the power from ? the power getting from pin 1 in the connector to the SE no ? \
connector is plugged then between VCC and GND is 5v if the connector off no voltage
i check the voltage from pin 1 to pin 3 while the connector is off its same 5v
@dc42 please let me know if i need to do more testing , i did try with and without the mod but its the same still 9 flashes
@dc42 said in smart effector ver 4 147 it flashes 9 times:
@sankafola are you able to measure the voltage between the Vcc and Gnd pins on the underside of the effector safely? That would remove the possibility of a bad crimp connection. Leave the 6-pin connector not connected as in your photo.
i messuered voltage while the connector is on the smart effector and it was 5 v and i took the connector off and messure between the pin 1 ( VCC) and the GND and its 5v
note: i also tried to take the mod off and its the same still flashing 9 times
When and where did you purchase it?
i bought it from on 7 jan 2025
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@Phaedrux done thanks for your support