[3.6.0-beta.3] Outer wall artifacts
I've been printing some Sortimo containers this weekend, and it's some weirdness happening at the seam.
A couple MM after the start of each new layer it's underextruding quite alot for a duration of something like 10-15mm. I've tried first disabling retraction without any difference.
But if i turn of PA it get's worse. Since the the new input shaping approach i've been running0.025
in PA and it's worked fine (except the issues i've reported).
I've tried turning off IS, PA & retraction now and it's underextrudning on the seam.Picture of everything turned on as normal:
Here i've turned off both retratcion and PA bellow the "line" (right bellow halfway up the print), the "line" is where i turned back on retracion but put in 4mm instead of 0.4mm, hence the line.
And from that point up both retraction and PA is enabled but with IS turned off:
Duet 3 Mini Wifi, 1LC, 3.6.0-beta.3 standalone, FW retraction, E3D Revo Micro, Bondtech LGX-lite direct drive.
Sliced in Orcaslicer 2.2.0 stable & OrcaSlicer 2.2.0 Nightly with same results between the two.
undefined Exerqtor marked this topic as a question
@Exerqtor I had what may be the same issue. I added 0.15mm to Deretraction Extra Length. I am using PrusaSlicer.
I wasted a lot of time trying to fix the issue with PA, retraction, acceleration, jerk changes. Nothing seemed to work.
I hope this is your issue as well.
In PrusaSlicer the setting is in Printers>Extruder 1>Retraction>Deretraction extra length.
Thx for the feedback! I'm running firmware retraction though. So setting retraction distance to0
it all together in RRF should (as far as i know) remove retraction as the issue -
@Exerqtor did this change happen on a firmware update? If so, you mentioned this worked with the new input shaping, which version were you running previously,?
@T3P3Tony Last prints i did was on one of the earlier 3.6.0 beta + binaries, can't remeber exactly which.
I'll try to reslice with all the "slicer-magic" turned off and see if that solves it first. And report back once that finishes!
@Exerqtor A file that definitely worked in the past that's similar would be helpful to print if you still have it in the SD card.
@T3P3Tony Yeah i've got a (bad?) habit of purging the job files often, so thats a no-go.
But som food for thought, i just resliced the same model but with the standard orca slicer profile for the printer and ran it. And it's more or less good,
One can however sett same artifacts on the perimiter behind the outer one:
Here is a comparison of the slicer profiles:
Since it looks like the problem has been "moved" a perimiter farther into the print I have to alter the print settings and run more prints to see which (if any of them) relate to the problem.
Just sliced and started a new print with the same profile as the last one just with the wall printing order set to Inner/Outer/Inner.
I'll keep you updated.
@Exerqtor is orcaslicer inserting and G2/G3 moves in for the corners? (Or a post processor or whatever?)
@T3P3Tony I don't know to be honest, i can check that later.
I had a glance at the print before work today, and the artifacts is up in front again with that perimiter order. They are however not as visible as the prior ones.
I'll take some pictures and gcode snippets after work.
Ok, so here's a picture of print from last night:
And the complete g-code file as well, i can't see anything funky tbh.
At least no G2/G3 moves in the corners/where they shouldn't be.It does a tiny "inner wall" right before the outer perimiter on every layer that might cause some issues, If you look at the code from for instance line 12249 until line 12268 for instance,
I've tried different ways to "filter out" that little wall now but i can't remove it, so i can't test if that's the issue. However, if it was cause by the quick sucession of retract,unretract,tiny extruision, retract & unretract it should have been removed when I set FW retraction to 0mm.