network conection lost when router is down
Yes, sorry for the tricky title LOL.
This ois the issue Im facing: power goes down, so printer goes down and also the wifi router goes down. Or sometimes, and this is worst I think, power of the wifi router goes down and so the printer looses its conection to the network.
When router is on again, the printer seems to not connect again.My config is a duet3 with SBC (raspberry pi 3 B+)
So in this scenario, the printer continues to print but it is not conected to nwetwork so I cant access DWI.I guess the reconection should be a task the SBC should do, but it is not doing it.
Should the SBC reconnect automatically when router is on again? -
Version in use?
@Phaedrux version is 3.5.3
It should automatically reconnect as far as I can tell.
Doing a quick google for raspberry pi auto reconnect wifi brings up a lot of discussion, so maybe you can find something there that points you in the right direction.