3.6.0 beta1 - RC1 - Laser not working
Hello, it is me again.
Laser not firing in any release 3.6.0 from beta1 to RC1. Last working stable FW where laser works normally is Release 3.5.4.
I tried
G1 S0 G1 S254 M3 S254 and with or without M563 P0 C"Laser" T0
before any laser movement and also S parameter in G1, but laser not works.
My laser setting in config (Duet2 WiFi)
;#############LASER################ M308 S0 P"e0temp" Y"thermistor" A"LASER Temp" T100000 R4700 B3950 H0 L0 ; Definice temp. senzoru LASERu M452 C"!exp.heater6" R255 F400 S1 ; Enable Laser mode, on out6, with max intensity being 255, and a PWM frequency of 400, S1 - Sticky parameter laser M950 P10 C"e0heat+e1heat" ; Vytvor pin on/off 24V (napajeni regulatoru); Q - frekvence spinani M42 P10 S1 G1 S0 ; NASTROJ ;M563 P0 C"Laser" ; Definuj nastroj 0 LASER ;T0 ; Aktivuj nastroj 0
Thanks for investigating.
@cichaczech You should define one tool with M563 and enable it T#. You do seem to have 'sticky' mode enabled with M452 ... S1. Can you test if the laser fires if you have a G1 move with an S parameter, eg
G1 X10 S254
@cichaczech I confirm that this is a bug. I've just fixed it in the new firmware builds at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1k4ahhplq0uy8o2668auw/AMhaLPbp66mjnWFMddNJoeI?rlkey=oke461u62k5vbmzkhbr1f7yos&dl=0. Use with care, in particular watch out for the laser misbehaving because the laser control code is not the same as it was in 3.5.x.
@dc42 with new firmware RC1+2, it works flawlessly. Thank you for the solution
undefined gloomyandy referenced this topic
@dc42 Ok, yesterday I tried it only from consele via DWC simple G1 command with S parameter and it was working.
Now I am trying to run program from Lightburn via USB and laser not fires again. If I export gcode from Lightburn a go command by command in DWC Console it fires ok, but not from USB or exported .gcode to Job jist in DWC. -
@cichaczech can you post a sample gcode file?