Duet 3 1HCL CAN Connection Timeout After Config Changes
I have been running a 1HCL for about 6 months without issue.
Today, I made a change to the driver setup going from M569 P50.0 S1 D2 V5 to M569 P50.0 S1 D3 V1000. I also increased the microstepping to x64 for this motor.
Upon the first test print I noticed that it sounded "clunky" when it went to travel moves, and then I noticed the motor associated with this board was no longer moving. Paused print and saw that the indication on the board LEDs was the fast flashing as if the CAN connection failed.
I then power cycled and got "CAN Response Timeout". Then I tried jumping the CAN_RST, power on, wait 5 min, power down, remove jumper, and power up. Same issue: with timeout on communication. The blue "Fused" LED is on, but I have no red Status nor green LED. The red 12V LED is blinking very fast and dimly.
Any ideas on what else I can do? I am worried I am toast now, and also don't want to fry a replacement board if this config change caused the board to go bad somehow.
Also, perhaps notably, I have been driving the motor current set at M906 Y4400 for this motor which drives a NEMA 34 moving a fairly hefty gantry.
@chrismbp Are you sure it's the 12V LED that is blinking, not the STATUS LED? The 12V LED is usually amber, see https://docs.duet3d.com/Duet3D_hardware/Duet_3_family/Duet_3_Expansion_1HCL#led-indications
Usually the STATUS LED blinking signifies a CAN error, but can indicate other issues. See https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Machine_configuration/CAN_connection#led-behaviour-and-error-codes
If you can have a look at these, and see if that helps. If not, can you send a picture of the board?