Paneldue 7" with esp32/raspberry pi
Hi. I have a Paneldue 7" display with Atmel ATSAM4S4B with SSD1963 and XPT2046. It has the paneldue firmware already in it. I want to use this display for other purposes, not just as a display for 3D printer. Since it has an SSD1963 and XPT2046, it feels like a TFT display, except it has a processor in it. I want to hookup this display along with esp32/Raspberry pi to upload images or use it for other purposes. Is there any workaround for this? Libraries to connect esp32 with Atmel onboard processor? Methods to flash custom firmware on it? Can I upload code with Tx/Rx or SPi bypassing the processor? Please help me out with this.
@Candy This is a clone of the Duet3D PanelDue, which we don't support here. Unfortunately the PanelDue is not Open Source (it was not designed in-house by Duet3D) so we don't have any more information on how the hardware is designed.
That said, it sounds like a lot of work to rewrite the firmware to interface the Atmel with an ESP32, particularly when it will limit the display capability (ie, text only). Probably better to find an ESP32 breakout board to connect the ESP and TFT without the Atmel in the middle. Then you could develop a UI in . Look at similar screens from Elecrow or MakerFabs, they're not that expensive.
@droftarts Thanks for the reply. This is indeed a clone of the Paneldue display. I need help on the connections to the esp32. If I connect the esp32 to the display using a breakout board, can I program it using the Tx/Rx or should I use the 10 pin connection on the top of it?
@Candy if it is a PanelDue version 3 clone then you can program it via the Tx/Rx pins. But it is probably easier to program it via the USB port using Bossa running on a PC.
@dc42 Thanks for the reply. If I want to program this via the USB port using Bossa, I should work with the firmware of the Atmel right? If I want to use the Arduino ide/PlatformIO, can I use the 10pin connectors and SPi to upload some code, like basic printing of "Hello world" on the display? Is this possible? If so, please help me out in the process