Z probe with FSR
I'm trying to use my FSR as Z probe. But I can't have something working. I use M558 P1 F300 H2 to configure the probe, then I use G30 to probe. It should stay where it is, but in my case, it starts to move on X, sometimes on Y, then move down (but not where I want).
What am I doing wrong?
Second, I would like to use the probe input for the probe, and keep my Z endstop, tuned in the way so if the probe fails, the Z endstop will be triggered say 1mm further to stop the move. Does it work? Is Z endstop read during probing?
Have you deleted any default deployprobe.g and retract probe.g files since upgrading firmware to 1.19 or later?
No, I didn't. I'll try that tomorrow.
Ok, it works fine.
Now, I have another question: at first, I plan to make a manual trigger probe I will have to put on the bed, at the different triggered points (I think it is possible to pause the script, output a message and wait for key press between points). This will allow me to create the bed map.
Once the map is done, I will use the manual probe to do the Z homing. How do I do that? What should I put in home_z.g file?
I will also tune the Z endstop to be a little further, so if the Z probe fails, or if I don't put it under the nozzle when asked by the script, the head won't crash too much into the bed (there are springs). Is it possible?
For the pause and ask for user input have a look at M291 - (I have not used it in this way but it should work)
Ok, thanks!
@fma said in Z probe with FSR:
Once the map is done, I will use the manual probe to do the Z homing. How do I do that? What should I put in home_z.g file?
I will also tune the Z endstop to be a little further, so if the Z probe fails, or if I don't put it under the nozzle when asked by the script, the head won't crash too much into the bed (there are springs). Is it possible?What about these points?