Cant connect terminal prog to duetwifi
I'm looking for some help to get my wifi working again. It was working and then the house upgraded to optical cable. No settings changed and all my devices work without resetting, except the duet wifi.
I am unable to connect to the printer with a terminal program, i tried all i have. I get an error "Could not connect to com4 at baudrate "etc or
"could not open com4".I searched everything to find out how to free up the port and cant.
It shows in device manger COM4 with duet wifi driver and is working. I reinstall driver several times. Still cant connect.
I'm somewhat sure this is not a duet issue, but hoping someone can help anyway.
It sounds like another program on your PC may have grabbed access to that COM port. This link may help you check that.
I downloaded that prog and it didnt find anything. But there is definitely something blocking that port. Device manager has duet wifi assigned to it, if thats the correct terminology? Should i try to delete and start over?
@brian you can try removing the Duet as a device under windows and getting it to redetect and reinstall it.