DuetWIFI migration
Interesting, I just rebooted (power off and on) and when it came up and was able to connect for 30ish seconds, I looked at the Settings->General page and see:
Firmware Name: n/a
Firmware Version: n/a
Web Interface Version: HTML: 1.11, JS: 1.11a-dc42And this should have been the 1.11b-dc42
So something is amiss, I am going to reinstall the firmware and all other components via bossac over USB.
Ok, this is a bummer. When I erase/reset DuetWiFI I do not see the device show up in /dev on OS X. I've done this hundreds of times on other Duets and was able to do it on this board. I seem to be in a funky state. So without a serial port, I can't reinstall the firmware. I am going to try to do this from a Windows 10 laptop.
Why does this seem like deja vu all over again!?
Now on a Windows 10 laptop. I've used bossac from this machine successfully.
I hook up USB, press erase for a few seconds and then reset. I hear the Windows device "bee bop" sound. I see COM3 show up in Device Manager->Ports (COM & LPT). I run:
bossac –port=COM3 -U true -e -w -v -b DuetWiFiFirmware.bin -R
(at the same level where the firmware is located) and get:
no device found on COM3
And now I have no firmware installed so it did actually erase.
Michael, please see the firmware upload instructions at https://duet3d.com/wiki/Updating_main_firmware. You can't use bossac because it doesn't support the SAM4 processor used on the Duet WiFi.
ok! That would make sense then! I'll do that now, sorry for not reading!
It might have assigned another com port to the duet. You can see if it found the new port and get its number…
I don't know windows 10 very well but in windows 7, it's under device manager then scroll down the list to COM/LPT ports and it hopefully shows up.Or you could just try COM 4 in the bossac command. I bet that's it.
I had to go to Backup procedure #2 but get this:
[ERROR] Could not connect to /dev/tty.usbmodem14431 at baudrate 57600:
Serial error: could not open port /dev/tty.usbmodem14431: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/tty.usbmodem14431'So on to Emergency proceedure?
Toddimus, thanks but you probably didn't read David's reply, can't do it with bossac on the Duet WiFi!
EDITED, stay tuned
Ok, I am able to install firmware with SAM-BA from Windows 10. I can now connect from Pronterface on Windows or Mac.
I then did Backup procedure #1 with the original .bin files that were installed on the CF when I got it.
I reenabled WIFI by sending M552 S1 from Pronterface. And connected from a web browser and got this 3 seconds later:
Communication Error
An AJAX error has been reported, so the current session has been terminated.
Please check if your printer is still on and try to connect again.
Error reason: timeout
Note that I had placed all 3 .bin files (including DuetWebControl.bin) on the CF card for Backup procedure #1. Does M997 S0 also install it? Or do I need to do this manually with the web interface?
Forgot to mention, after doing the above the Settings->General panel shows:
firmware version 1.13 (2016-06-13)
Web interface: 1.11 JS: 1.11a=dc42Is this the as-sent stock configuration?
David, are you sure that the reported version # for the DuetWebControl.bin you uploaded yesterday is 1.11b-dc42?
I've attempted to upload this version 3 times now to verify that I can upload and I get the 1.11a-dc42 version even after a hard reboot.
At this point I am not able to stay connected to the web interface for very long at all. Interestingly, if I am quick and get an upload started, it seems to complete that successfully and then drops the connection a few seconds later. Perhaps it isn't actually uploading the new web control. Is there another way to install the web control?
David, here's another odd thing. I set the MAC address in my config.g file to avoid conflicts. However, when I scan my network and find the Duet WiFi, it has a completely different MAC address than what I assigned.
I assign: M540 P0xBE:0xEF:0xDE:0xAD:0xFE:0xED
it shows up as: 18:fe:3498:c7This address doesn't conflict with anything either but I find that odd.
I set the MAC address in my config.g file to avoid conflicts.
The M540 command (set MAC address) has no effect.
David, are you sure that the reported version # for the DuetWebControl.bin you uploaded yesterday is 1.11b-dc42?
I've attempted to upload this version 3 times now to verify that I can upload and I get the 1.11a-dc42 version even after a hard reboot.
At this point I am not able to stay connected to the web interface for very long at all. Interestingly, if I am quick and get an upload started, it seems to complete that successfully and then drops the connection a few seconds later. Perhaps it isn't actually uploading the new web control. Is there another way to install the web control?
I noticed a similar thing, but after the second try of re-uploading both the DuetWebControl.bin and DuetWiFiServer.bin and then running the M997 S1:2 and waiting for like 10 minutes (went to do something else and came back to it), it worked. I did a hard reboot of the Duet after the wait and then the web interface showed 1.11b-dc42.
Toddimus, thanks but you probably didn't read David's reply, can't do it with bossac on the Duet WiFi!
I think I was typing my post right as David was typing his. I hadn't seen his until after. I haven't ever used bossac because I'm new to the Duet world and haven't needed it yet.
I set the MAC address in my config.g file to avoid conflicts.
The M540 command (set MAC address) has no effect.
Consider yourself luck Toddimus! It was a bit of a pain on non-windows (i.e. OS X) platforms to get set up properly.
I noticed a similar thing, but after the second try of re-uploading both the DuetWebControl.bin and DuetWiFiServer.bin and then running the M997 S1:2 and waiting for like 10 minutes (went to do something else and came back to it), it worked. I did a hard reboot of the Duet after the wait and then the web interface showed 1.11b-dc42.
I've tried everything I an think of and still no luck. Multiple re-uploads of DWC.bin and DWIFIS.bin and running M997, hard reboots, waiting, and still have the problem.
I noticed a similar thing, but after the second try of re-uploading both the DuetWebControl.bin and DuetWiFiServer.bin and then running the M997 S1:2 and waiting for like 10 minutes (went to do something else and came back to it), it worked. I did a hard reboot of the Duet after the wait and then the web interface showed 1.11b-dc42.
I've tried everything I an think of and still no luck. Multiple re-uploads of DWC.bin and DWIFIS.bin and running M997, hard reboots, waiting, and still have the problem.
Did you try knocking (or touching) on wood with your fingers crossed? That sometimes works for me.