Can't Home Z with a Z Probe installed
X and Y are homed yet the error still occurs. What does it need?
This is my config.json for reprapfirmware configurator if that helps
Can you post your config.g and your homing files?
@phaedrux said in Can't Home Z with a Z Probe installed:
Can you post your config.g and your homing files?
@vaei unable to access your drive
@phaedrux said in Can't Home Z with a Z Probe installed:
@vaei unable to access your drive
Same here.
That's odd somehow the public sharing turned off
<edited to remove the link>!
@vaei I don't think you meant to link that.
I'm not sure if it matters, but you have your M574 command set to use a Z endstop currently.
Try changing that to
M574 Z1 S2 ; Use zprobe and home to Z Min.
I say it may not matter because in the next few lines you specify the z probe in M558.
Your Homeall.g looks ok.
Your Homez.g won't work unless XY and already homed or you add S2 to your G1 move to get the probe in position.
@phaedrux said in Can't Home Z with a Z Probe installed:
I'm not sure if it matters, but you have your M574 command set to use a Z endstop currently.
Try changing that to
M574 Z1 S2 ; Use zprobe and home to Z Min.
I say it may not matter because in the next few lines you specify the z probe in M558.
Your Homeall.g looks ok.
Your Homez.g won't work unless XY and already homed or you add S2 to your G1 move to get the probe in position.
Thanks for the help
Unfortunately the same thing occurs.
By the way, does the reprap configurator have a setting for Mode 5? None of them have their mode numbers shown and it's 5 that works for mine. The others don't see it trigger. I keep having to manually set it after the fact.
I thought I uploaded the - if so what was in it that I shouldn't have linked it? Wifi p/w?
Well, I'm more or less at a loss.
@vaei said in Can't Home Z with a Z Probe installed:
I thought I uploaded the - if so what was in it that I shouldn't have linked it? Wifi p/w?
You linked your timesheet spreadsheet which is why i removed the link!
the older link works for your
Try adding an S2 after the movement commands in your homeZ and home all.g:
G1 X15 Y73.5 F6000 S2
You have the EZABL setup as probe type 1, is that correct ( I don't know how it works - capacitive?)? You say it triggers correctly so I will assume it has an analog output, actually i just saw this:
@vaei said in Can't Home Z with a Z Probe installed:
By the way, does the reprap configurator have a setting for Mode 5? None of them have their mode numbers shown and it's 5 that works for mine.
Your sharedconfig.g has the mode set to 1 in M558:
M558 P1 H5 F120 T6000
the RepRapFirmware configurator lets you choose the type of Z probe:
With it set to "switch" I get "M558 P0.." which is wrong it should be P4 or P5. Thanks for finding this bug - I will report it to @chrishamm
I got it triggering correctly with Mode 1 but I need to set I1 with M558 also for it to work.
Unfortunately I still can't home, even after the changes adding S2.
What do your config and homing files look like now?