Consistent layer shifting in the X direction [SOLVED]
That is my Z homing file:
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 Z5 F6000 S2 ; lift Z relative to current position
G1 S1 X-255 F1800 ; move quickly to X axis endstop and stop there (first pass)
G1 X5 F6000 ; go back a few mm
G1 S1 X-255 F360 ; move slowly to X axis endstop once more (second pass)
G1 Z-5 F6000 S2 ; lower Z again
G90 ; absolute positioning -
Can you send M906 in the console to see the actual currents being used. Same with M913 to see if it's being reduced at all.
Also check the wiring on the X motor lead. It could a bad crimp on one of the pins which might have got disturbed when you changed the boards.
@phaedrux I am trying to run a ~2h print. I sup[ose I have to wait to run the m906 and m9013 correct?
@deckingman Yeah, I am starting to think about wiring as well. Maybe I need a better crimper.
5:15:22 PM
Motor current % of normal - X:100, Y:100, Z:100, E100
5:15:13 PM
Motor current (mA) - X:1200, Y:1200, Z:800, E:1200:1200:1200:1200:1200:1200:1200:1200:1200, idle factor 30% -
You can send M codes with no parameters to get the duet to tell you what the current values are. You can send them any time.
Looks like your motor currents are ok. You could try increasing your x motor current to 70-85% of the motors rated max just incase it needs more power than its getting.
Is there any over extrusion going on that could cause the nozzle to catch?
I don't see any over extrusions. About increasing the current. I tried it. It did not solve the problem but cause the motor to run really hot. Hot to the point I could not touch for more them 3 seconds.
I did calibrate my extrusion length using the matter hackers guide, so I think it is ok on that.
There's a small chance that it could be caused by a partially-blown stepper driver. To eliminate that possibility, if your E1 stepper output is free than you can connect the X motor to that instead. Then add the command M584 X4 E3 to config.g, earlier in the file than the M906 command and the M350 command if you have one. Also make sure that the M569 P4 command specifies the same direction (S parameter) as the M569 P0 command.
@dc42 DO you really think that could be it? I will try to re-do the connector and realign the gantry first.
My Duet is brand new, I never forced it, it has active ventilation and I never exceed the driver nor the motor max current. I really think it is either software or mechanical.
Like I said, after the couple shifts in the first 10 to 20 layers the other 200 go absolutely fine.
that is what's really throwing me off. Being my printer an ultimaker style the gantry does no move up ir down, only the bed.
I will do the adjusts and post the results.
@dc42 SOmething I forgot to mention, yesterday I managed to complete 2 successful prints (no major shifts), but the weird thing is on the second one the 4 top layers were missing but the printer reported the end of print with no errors.
Could that be a case for reflashing the firmware?
I am on 1.21 (2018-03-21)
That firmware is quite old so I suggest you update it to latest stable or latest release candidate.
@dc42 said in Consistent layer shifting in the X direction:
o latest s
So I have updated the firmware, but nothing changed, I removed and tested each bearing. They all seem fine, there is one thing tho. the x-axis will move very smoothly in one direction and there is a lot of resistance in the other direction.
I have no clue what could cause that. If I try to move it by hand in one direction it will move with barely any force, in the other direction if I dont move it trough the sliders it almost bend the 8mm rods of the gantry.Any ideas?
@mrjoneskod That does sound like a faulty linear bearing. I think they can get a flat ball if you run without lubricant but it has to move about twice the length of the bearing to find it and jam.
@nophead Well, I will buy new bearing and see what happens
@mrjoneskod Well changed all the bearings. The movement sure goes smoother, but not a lot more.
The problem is still happening -
Today I decided I would find out for good what was it that was holding me up. I decided to try everything so I changed the X and Y connectors and my Y started shifting (Still my X physically), so I knew it was not the driver, I decided to try to realign every single belt, pulley nut and bolt. Still did not do it. So I decided to change the motor, as I have spare ones, and as I was doing so I found the cause: "a broken motor mount" the motor shaft what quite misaligned in relation to the X rod it was connected to and the excessive momentum was causing it to bind! I have steel mounts the old ones are aluminum, put the steel mount carefully aligned it and tension the belts, and BINGO! Everything is back to normal!
Thanks a lot for the help guys! I really appreciate it!