Dude about fans
i have this setup for fans in config.g
M106 P0 S1 I0 T100 H1 M106 P1 S0.6 I0 F500 H-1 M106 P2 S0.6 I0 F500 H-1 When P0, its heatskin fan, that is controled by temperature, and P1 and P2, layers fans....
The issue its that layers fans start turning....
How i must setup layers fans, for:
-When power on printer, rest stopped.
- When print, are commanded by gcode printed
From wiki:
M106 P1 S0.6 I0 F500 H-1 Px -- Fan Shocket S0.6 -- Run at 60% I0 -- Normal PWM F500 -- Fan PWM frequency (i dont have clear whats the meaning) H-1 -- Disables thermostatic mode Whit this setup, layer fans, start powered on.... How i can do, start powered off?
S0 will set zero speed (that's S zero not "so"). So if you don't want the fans to come on at power on, use S0 instead of S0.6.
@deckingman ok, thanks. Later try...
I suppose, that these fans, will be put into operation, when the print reaches the layer in which the gcode turns them on ... No?