PID Bed is failing
I can heat the bed of the printer to 120°C in about 5 min but if I try to run PID (M303 H0 S120) I get a fail response from the Duet:Auto tune cancelled because target temperature was not reached
this is my configuration rith now: ; Heaters BED M307 H0 A77.3 C150.3 D5 S1 B0 ; H0= Bed A= Gain C= Constant D= Dead Time S= Max PWM M305 P0 T100000 B3950 C0 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0 (R4700 for duet wifi) M143 H0 S140 ; Set temperature limit for heater 0 to 140C M570 H0 P120 T15 ; Heater Fault H= heater num. P=seconds before fault T= Permitted excursion from the setpoint 2.03beta2 (2019-02-16b1)
any Idea why I cant do PID while I can heat to the target temperature ?
thx -
Try the new beta 3:
The heater tuning timeouts have been increased to 30 minutes for bed and chamber heaters (was 20 minutes) and 7 minutes for extruder heaters (was 5 minutes)
@martin1454 great! thank you!
updated to the last beta3
now I am getting this result:19:28:17Warning: Auto tune of heater 0 failed due to bad curve fit (A=21.6, C=80.4, D=inf)
19:27:03Auto tune phase 3, peak temperature was 120.1
19:27:00Auto tune phase 2, heater off
19:02:12Auto tune phase 1, heater on
19:02:06M98 P"0:/macros/PID/PID Bed 120"
Auto tuning heater 0 using target temperature 120.0°C and PWM 1.00 - do not leave printer unattended@dc42 what does this mean?
thank you
@paboman said in PID Bed is failing:
Warning: Auto tune of heater 0 failed due to bad curve fit (A=21.6, C=80.4, D=inf)
That's an odd result, I've never seen that before! The A and D values are clearly wrong, and the C value looks suspicious too. Do you get sensible results if you tune at 100C ?
I had to increase the T value a little bit to match the real temperatures to the read ones.
now it seems to work ok