Communication timeout with Repetier Server
Thank you @dc42
But ist the communication timeout also a problem with the heating fault?
My main problem is the timeout...
To the heating fault
-> I have done a Auto PID tuning
-> I use a silicone sock
-> Temperature is really stable -
The heating fault occurred nearly 2 hours before the communications error.
In recent firmware versions, the default behaviour when there is a heating fault is to give you a few minutes to sort it out, and if you don't then it assumes the machine is unattended and tries to shut it down.
Yes that´s right.
So whats the problem for the communication timeout?
The heating fault is a seperatly thing in my eyes...
You have some other problems. Twice there is the sequence:
es after '''S''', expected 3
Response while disconnected:The first line is probably part of an error message from the Duet, but Repetier has chopped off the first part. I've no idea about "Done!" but I think that's from Repetier, not the Duet. After that, Repetier seems to think it shouldn't be connected and is surprised to see a response.