Additional stepper drivers on Duex 5
Hi, can I connect two additional external stepper drivers if I am already using a Duex 5 expansion board? I have read that I could use the CONN_LCD connector pins? Is there a description for that somwhere?
Attempting to connect via Conn_LCD I think I should connect the following pins (assuming Duet uses a "current sink output design" and gives "1 puls signals" as they call it in the oriental manual) :
Conn_LCD to Oriental CRD5114P (see image above)
pin 10 ) Step11 to be connected to pin 1) PLS+
pin 2 ) GND to be connected to pin 2) PLS-
pin 8 ) DIR11 to be connected to pin 3) DIR+
pin 2 ) GND to be connected to pin 4) DIR-
pin 6 ) EN11 to be connected to nothing?
pin 4 ) Stop11 to be connected to no clue!thx
You could also connect AWOFF+ to EN and AWOFF- to ground.
Two points to note:
The CONN_LCD connector provides 3.3V signals with low current drive. That may not be sufficient. You can use a 74HCT367 or similar chip to boost the signals to 5V.
You will need to extend the step pulse timing for that driver in the M569 command.
@dc42 said in Additional stepper drivers on Duex 5:
Alright - thanks a lot, especially for the tip of timing!
I wouldnt know how to connect such an IC chip so I will try with 3.3 V first, lets see - I can post it here if 3.3v work with that driver. -
For a 74HCT365 or 74HCT367 (either will do) in 16-pin DIL package:
Pins 1,8,15 - ground
Pin 16 - +5V
Pins 2,4,6,10,12,14 - inputs from CONN_LCD
Pins 3,5,7,9,11,13 - +outputs to stepper driver +input pins (connect the -input pins of the stepper driver to ground)Also connect a 0.1uf capacitor between pin 16 and ground.
A few stepper drivers have a common +input pin. For those, use a 74HCT366 or 74HCT368 instead, connect the driver -input pins to the outputs of the chip (pins 3,5 etc.), and connect the common +input of the driver to +5V.
Take great care not to short +5V to any of the other pins on CONN_LCD.
HTH David
@stellator said in Additional stepper drivers on Duex 5:
Oriental CRD5114P
Dear David, using the Oriental Motor Driver CRD5114P in combination with the five phase Motor PKP569FN2482 I can report that it seems to be working nicely using 3.3V signal as provided by the DuetWifi LCD_Conn Header.
@dc42 pls help me connect driver 11 of duet 2 wifi with HBS57 driver, i have 2 driver HBS57 and conect with driver 10 and 11 on CONN_LCD.
Pin 9) Stp 10 with PUL+ of driver HBS number 1
Pin 7) Dir 10 with DIR+ of driver HBS nunber 1
Pin 5) En 10
Pin 3) Stop 10
Pin 1) 3.3v
Pin 10) Stp 11 with PUL+ of driver HBS number 2
PinDir 11 with DIR+ of driver HBS number 2
Pin 6) En 11
Pin 4) Stop 11
Pin 2) GND with PUL-, DIR- of driver HBS number 10 and 11
But only driver 1 work, driver 2 not work.
I try swap driver 1 to driver 2 but not work on driver connect with Stp 11 and Dir 11 -
@mmofree probably best to start a new thread with the config you are using.
Hi again, Iam building a new printer using Duet 3 mini 5+ instead of my old Duet 2 wifi.
I like to use the external 5 phase oriental motors again but I find that the Duet 3 mini 5+ only has one "enable" Pin for the "external drivers". I might be lucky since its going to be a core xy so both A and B motors want to be enabled simulatneously at all times but am I correct assuming that Pin 16 is meant to be used as a shared enable Pin - does it work that way?PS: IS there any easy way to give the Step, Dir, En, signal 5V instead of 3.3V on the Duet 3 mini 5+ (Because one stepper driver is working correctly whilst, when swapping cables, the other driver does not change motor direction although DIP settings are identical. Adding to the confusion, only motor pins 12, 13, 15 assigned as motor 0.6 are functional when using pins 4, 5, 7 assigned as motor 0.5 nothing is moving?! So I speculate that I might be just at the edge of signal detection using 3.3V instead of the recommended 5V-24V resulting in this erratic behaviour?
PPS: Read some posts and manuals meanwhile, seeing that it shopuld be possible to get 5V but is it necessary..?