Duet2 WiFi : No WiFi without SD Card
If you're attempting to market a product, shouldn't you be able to figure out these problems? Are you simply planning on buying a bunch of stuff, hoping it works, and reselling it for a profit? That doesn't seem very scrupulous. What value have you added to the product?
By the way, this is just a common failure mode of the LCD panel. Just get it replaced from the retail supplier of consumer goods that you bought it from at retail price.
@bot Thanks for the feedback.
Actually, I have been working extensively on not returning, but understanding the root cause of this issue.
I'm far from someone who would just assemble stuff and push it out the door.
I've been developing open-source software and IoT systems/solutions for some time with great success in the Learning and Development world.
I don't expect, or seek, profit but rather to provide the best possible product; hence the reason I'm trying this combination. I simply want a premium product to be - a premium product - that I know I can support without question later - be it for myself or a client.This is not at all my mainstream business, nor would it ever be. Sometimes selling something to someone with no profit - even a loss - is far more profitable in the end.
I cater to the education industry - so definitely not money hungry
Definitely not the answer I expected, but it's great to hear. I wish you the best of luck!
@bot Thanks, i really love the tech. of 3D Printers and that is what I want to share.
Anyhow, still moving forward with my build and grinning when I've got things working.
I already see/hear the difference with these ultra-smooooooottthhhh stepper drivers -
@dennishall said in Duet2 WiFi : No WiFi without SD Card:
@phaedrux Thanks for chiming in and waiting for my images.
I've attached 3 images:
I'm hoping a firmware update will correct this issue.
Best Regards,
The colours are wrong. Red is missing completely. I've seen a similar thing once before a PanelDue 5i, which was caused by a short between 2 pins of the large square chip. I added the colour gradient on the setup screen so that our manufacturer could use it to test for this type of fault.
This is what it should look like:
There remains the possibility that the problem is caused by the wrong firmware being installed, but that would only happen if someone has re-flashed the firmware since manufacture (and chosen the wrong one). The correct firmware file is this one https://github.com/dc42/PanelDueFirmware/releases/download/1.22.1/PanelDue-5.0i-7.0i.bin.
@dc42 Thanks for the F/W
I've seen the instructions for flashing the LCD via USB and am growing fatigued by all the different FW uploaders I've been having to use over the last few months.Is there another path to installing the FW into the LCD?
Currently the firmware has to be installed using Bossa. We plan to make it installable via Duet Web Control some time in the future. If you prefer, ask Spool3D to replace the PanelDue, because it should not have been sent to you in that state - and in any case, it may be a hardware problem.
@dc42 I'll try Bossa first since the F/W is currently at V1.21.3(13b1) for this V3.0a board.
I've also just visually (under high power magnifier) inspected both the LCD and the daughter-board - nothing crossing legs on either.This will be the last thing I try before calling it in to Spool3D though. Too bad, I really hoped I'd get through it without the need to return.
Thanks for your time and patients.
@dennishall said in Duet2 WiFi : No WiFi without SD Card:
I've also just visually (under high power magnifier) inspected both the LCD and the daughter-board - nothing crossing legs on either.
You mentioned a daughter board. The PanelDue 7i is a single board. If what you have is 2 boards, then that is the original 7" PanelDue. The correct firmware for that is https://github.com/dc42/PanelDueFirmware/releases/download/1.22.1/PanelDue-v3-7.0.bin.
@dc42 Done. New boards on their way.
Thanks for everything!
Now on to a new thread for my inductance probe.
@dc42 I just received my replacement PanelDue 7 inch. I have the exact same issue.
Could the 8-bit graphics issue be my Duet2 WiFi board or some library file missing?
I downloaded the "PanelDue-5.0i-7.oi.bin file and uploaded it to the PanelDue 7.01 via USB without issue, then I also pasted it to the sys/ folder of the SD Card keeping the same name.
Do I need to save it elsewhere and rename it maybe? -
@dennishall said in Duet2 WiFi : No WiFi without SD Card:
Do I need to save it elsewhere and rename it maybe?
The PanelDue bin file must be flashed to the PanelDue using Bossa.
You've followed these steps?
Firmware updates are done via the USB interface and the bossac program, as follows:
Download and install bossa 1.8 from http://www.shumatech.com/web/products/bossa. Versions of bossa or bossac earlier than 1.8 will not be able to program the version 3.0 PaneDue board. Note: it appears that the GUI version (Bossa) doesnât work on PCs and laptops with high-resolution displays, however you can still use bossac, the command line version.
Locate and download PanelDue firmware for your display from https://github.com/dc42/PanelDueFirmware/releases. Choose firmware with 4.3 in the file name if using a 4.3 inch display, or 5.0 if using a 5 inch display, or 7.0 if using the 7 inch display (do not use the 7.0E version) Choose firmware with -v3- in the name if you have a version 3.0 PanelDue controller board, or with -v2- in the name if you have an earlier version.
Check that the free end of the 4-wire interface cable cannot short against anything.
Use a suitable cable to connect the micro USB connector on the PanelDue controller to a USB port on your PC. Caution! With version 1.0 and 1.1 PanelDue boards, take care not to exert too much sideways or up/down force on the USB connector, or you may pull the USB connector off the board. If the board has already been programmed then the backlight should illuminate.
Press and hold the Erase button of the PanelDue for at least one second. You can access this button by pressing the end of a straightened-out paper clip through the hole in the enclosure.
Release the Erase button, then press and release the Reset button. If you have a version 2.0 board then the backlight will turn off.
Identify the COM port number or port name of the PanelDue board on your PC. If you use Windows, you can do this via Start->Control Panel->System->Device Manager. Expand Ports (COM and LPT), and look for Bossa port. Make a note of the port number. If you canât find the port, try repeating the Erase and Reset sequence, or disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable, or try a different USB port on your computer. Note: the port number of the Bossa port for PanelDue will not be the same as the one you use when uploading firmware to Duet electronics.
Use bossac to program the board. Under Windows, open a command prompt and use this command:
"C:\Program Files\BOSSA\bossac.exe" --port=COM9 -e -w -v -b PanelDueFirmware.bin
Replace COM9 in this command by the COM port number you found, and PanelDueFirmware.bin by the path to your downloaded firmware file. It is possible to use the interactive version (Bossa) instead of bossac, but if you do then you must check the Erase all, Lock, and Boot from flash boxes.When bossac has completed and reported âVerify successfulâ, press the Reset button again. If you have successfully installed firmware that is correct for the type of display you are using, the display should be legible.
On version 2.0 and earlier boards, whenever new firmware is uploaded, the touch panel calibration and touch pad orientation is lost. Therefore, on starting up the software enters the touch panel calibration phase. Touch the spots as instructed on the screen as accurately as possible. It is more accurate to use the tip of your fingernail or a stylus (print one!) rather than the pad of your finger. If the display is upside down or inverted left-right, you can correct it after touch calibration using the options provided on the Setup page.
Disconnect the USB cable.
Important notes:If you have a PanelDue with a 7 inch TFT panel, then some PC USB ports and especially laptop USB ports may not be able to supply enough power to the PanelDue when the backlight is on. If you press Erase and Reset while the PanelDue it powered from your controller electronics, then the backlight should turn off, which should resolve the problem. Or you can disconnect the PanelDue control board from the TFT panel (unless you are using the integrated version), then upgrade the firmware, then reconnect it.
After you have connected the PanelDue to your 3D printer, you can still update the firmware using the same procedure. If you have a version 3.0 PanelDue then you must either disconnect it from your 3D printer first or power up your 3D printer. Version 2.0 and earlier can be updated without disconnecting them from your printer electronics even if the printer is not powered. -
@phaedrux Yes, I had used Bossa to upload it directly into the PanelDue. I've just updated my response to indicate that.
Sorry for my not remember correctly what I had done a weeks past.
Either way, I have not uploaded any F/W in this replacement LCD as I feel it will not make a difference at this point.Are there other files that should be in the sys folder?
Maybe I'm missing some bin file there? -
No, there's nothing specific to the PanelDue that does in the sys folder. The only communication between the two is serial data.
When the paneldue is powered up, and you go to the setup page, what is the version listed at the top?
Can you post a photo of the paneldue so we can verify that you're using the right bin file to update it?
It seems odd that you'd get two displays that aren't showing the right colors, but I suppose anything is possible. That would be bad luck though.
@OP I strongly suspect (based on the edge of the photos you posted that appear to show a 40 pin connector) that you are attempting to flash integrated firmware ("PanelDue-5.0i-7.0i.bin") to a non-integrated PanelDue setup. As David said, The correct firmware for a nonintegrated setup that is https://github.com/dc42/PanelDueFirmware/releases/download/1.22.1/PanelDue-v3-7.0.bin.
For the replacement DuetDue 7i I just received, the version is: 1.21.3(13b1).
For the original DuetDue 7i, the build version is: 1.22.1(28b1) - this was the one I had uploaded the new firmware to (per the previous link that was sent in this post).No need to post a photo, the 2 LCDs and driver boards are identical.
What is the difference between the the "integrated" and and "non-integrated" that I'm reading above?
Maybe you mean the LCD is part of the Duet2 WiFi (i.e. connected directly to the Duet2 WiFi without cables) when you state "integrated"? -
@elmoret What is the difference betwen "integrated" and "non-integrated"?
I purchased OEM Duet2 WiFi and PanelDue 7i, not a knockoff Chinese junk one or such if that is what non-integrated means. Still, I'll try you version of the bin file now. -
Please post a clear, well lit photo of your PanelDue. Spool3D does not appear to sell the PanelDue7i.
It looks like they ran out of the 7i model.To soothe your doubts...
My original order:
The replacements parts that I just recieved:
The 2 PanelDue 7i's I'm trying to get better than 8-bit colors out of (the bottom one is lower on my desk - so looks smaller) and is the one I just received:Feel free to post any further doubts you may have.
None of those photos or screenshots show a PanelDue7i.
My suspicions were correct, you have a non-integrated setup (a PanelDue and a 7" LCD, two separate boards) and as such, have been loading the wrong firmware.
I do not believe the boards are at fault here, unfortunate for Spool3D as they likely incurred costs when the boards were not defective.