External 5V Power Supply
I have a BLTouch connected to the expansion header of a DuetWifi using the outline in the Duet documentation. I am using an external 5V power supply, which measures 5V. When I power on the board the BLtouch will not power up and run its self test.
I measured the 5V pins at the expansion header and I'm only getting 4.6V. The BLTouch voltage operation range is listed as 4.8V-5.1V. I connected the 5V supply to another DuetWifi board and again I read 4.6V on the expansion header.
I switched the jumper to the internal 5V and I measure 5V at the expansion header. The BLTouch then functions as expected. Unfortunately I can't utilize this mode as I have an external safety string to kill the 24V power to the board.
Has anyone else run into this?
Which version of BLTouch is it?
This is not surprising, since there's a diode in the path of external 5v, you're seeing forward voltage drop.
You could connect the BLTouch 5V power wire directly to your +5V supply, bypassing the diode.
I'm running version 3. A previous unit I built had no issues, but I'm guessing I got lucky with a BL touch that would work at a lower voltage.
I'll have to add some terminal blocks and run it off the BL touch. Might not be a bad idea to update the BL touch section of the wiki, to warn about expansion IO not supplying 5V if connected to external power supply.