First Test Print following Duet3d Upgrade
This has not gone well so far.
I have no idea what point at which I should add my M104 entries on a print GCode. I found a great explanation by "inventimark" here: "3D Printing Guide #001 : Changing Temp in Gcode"
So I fired up Repetier Host and loaded the "Better_Temperature_Tower_v5_240-180.stl" file. Next I worked through the tutorial changing the temp with the M104 command and the appropriate temp change at each new step in the tower.
I checked my X-Axis for parallel, changed my config.g to allow for the increase in extruder temp (mine had been set with the max temp well below 240) and the performed HomeAll.
I started the print.
First thing I notice is that today my Extruder temp is back to wandering. +5 Degrees above the primary temp (I set to get the extruder up to a working temp) and below by up to 2 Degrees. Strange, it wasn't doing that yesterday, though it did sort of settle down in the end.
The print starts. The skirt looks fine and sticks well, filament adhesion looks alright. I watch it until it starts the base of the first tower and then look away for a few moment. When I look back the print head is printing in midair around 10mm off the bed. I cancel the print.
Not sure if anyone can spot what I did wrong, damned if I know.
that g code does not contain any temperature variation.Open the file in a text editor like notepad++.
then find the layer information
;LAYER:116and add the corresponding line underneath.
M104 S225 -
You're absolutely right, I posted the wrong file. Sorry. Let's try that again.
@b0m0a0k said in First Test Print following Duet3d Upgrade:
my Extruder temp is back to wandering.
Did you save the results of the PID tune you did yesterday? After the tune, send M500 to save it. You'll then need M501 at the end of your config.g to load those tuned values again at boot up.
@b0m0a0k said in First Test Print following Duet3d Upgrade:
When I look back the print head is printing in midair around 10mm off the bed.
It kind of sounds like the heater either got turned off. Did you happen to notice what the temperature was or what the temp graph looked like?
@b0m0a0k said in First Test Print following Duet3d Upgrade:
You're absolutely right, I posted the wrong file. Sorry. Let's try that again.
That Gcode file has M104 commands in it at least. Try removing the P0 from the command. Instead of M104 P0 S235, try just M104 S235. Also it looks like one or more temperature steps got skipped/duplicated. But you're on the right track.
I can see 2 problems here:
- Layer height is 0.3 I would go for 0.2 its more "standard" height and will let you compare your print with others.
- looks like there is over extrusion, try lowering your flow rate
Under extrusion:
Over extrusion:
@phaedrux I did not set M501 at the end of config.g. I have now.
I have just re-run the PID tuning on both the heated bed and the extruder. The bed had not changed a whole lot from yesterday. I re-ran the Extruder PID auto-tune 4 times and it changed every time (I still don't understand why it doesn't appear to cycle the 8 times I ask for in in the auto-tune instruction).
When retesting the Extruder temp is still going over by 5-6 Degrees.
I'm going to plug in the last set of results to config. and look at @dc advice on fine tuning;
"If the temperature oscillates around the target value, increase the dead time (D) parameter. It it's slow to respond to changes in the environment (e.g. the print cooling fan turning on), you can try reducing the D parameter.If the temperature overshoots, increase the gain (A parameter). If it undershoots, reduce the A parameter."
These are my latest Heater settings;
; Heaters
; Bed [H0 - Heater 0]
M143 H0 S70 ; Set temperature limit for heater 0 to 70C
M305 P0 T100000 B3988 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0
M307 H0 A114.0 C410.3 D2.7 S1.0 V12.3 B0 ; PID Auto-tune Values for Bed [H0]; Extruder [H1 - Heater 1]
M143 H1 S245 ; Set temperature limit for heater 1 to 245C
M305 P1 T100000 B3988 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 1
M307 H1 A376.3 C154.7 D9.4 S1.0 V12.4 B0 ; PID auto-tune Values for Extruder [H1] -
@phaedrux said in First Test Print following Duet3d Upgrade:
It kind of sounds like the heater either got turned off. Did you happen to notice what the temperature was or what the temp graph looked like?
I did not, however, I only looked away for no more than 3 minutes and I have my max temp set to 245 Degrees. The first layer should have been 240 and it's been fluctuating up to 6 Degrees. But it's a fair point, it could have hit that max mark.
@b0m0a0k said in First Test Print following Duet3d Upgrade:
(I still don't understand why it doesn't appear to cycle the 8 times I ask for in in the auto-tune instruction).
It sounds like you might be looking at instructions for Marlin? I don't think reprapfirmware will do it that way.
You'll get the best results if you run it from a cold state. i.e. when it's at room temp. And you really only need to run it once. If you run it multiple times in succession it's going to be warmer and will get different results.
So try again from a cold state and see how that goes before modifying any parameters.
@phaedrux Good advice, thanks - I'll do that (the "from cold" thing).
Thanks for clarifying the PID auto-tune operation, it's valuable to know that theres a difference between Marlin and RepRap when using this. I will limit my expectations accordingly
This would be the best resource for PID tuning on RepRap.
For anyone else trying to print this temperature tower and wondering where to put the M104 markers I have worked them out to be in the following layers;
;LAYER:5 ;M104 S240
;LAYER:23 ;M104 S235
;LAYER:40 ;M104 S230
;LAYER:58 ;M104 S225
;LAYER:75 ;M104 S220
;LAYER:93 ;M104 S215
;LAYER:110 ;M104 S210
;LAYER:128 ;M104 S205
;LAYER:145 ;M104 S200
;LAYER:163 ;M104 S195
;LAYER:180 ;M104 S190
;LAYER:198 ;M104 S185
;LAYER:215 ;M104 S180This is based on a layer height of 0.4 and a filament of 1.75
That'll depend on what layer height you're printing at.