Duet Maestro with BL Touch First Layer Issues.
I have an Ender 3 Pro with E3D Volcano hotend setup and BL Touch. The system was working great until I got the Duet Maestro board and hooked it up. Everything is working so far except when it completes a 110 point G29 bed leveling command and then starts printing to high on the top left hand side of the bed! The Z-offset is setup perfect since I can run the command "G1 Z0 F6000" after an all home and the height is spot on in the middle of the bed with the bed heated up.
When I used the BLTouch with the stock board, it printed perfect level on the entire bed every single time. It almost seems like my Duet isn't even remembering the ABL measurements and just printing without knowing if it is level or not.
What am I missing here as I am pulling out my hair trying to figure this out.
Can you post an image of the resulting heightmap?
You're not the first person to report an anomalous height reading at the top left of the bed. It was theorized to maybe be a result of the bed magnets or the cables causing some movement.
@phaedrux said in Duet Maestro with BL Touch First Layer Issues.:
Can you post an image of the resulting heightmap?
You're not the first person to report an anomalous height reading at the top left of the bed. It was theorized to maybe be a result of the bed magnets or the cables causing some movement.
I wish it was that easy.
Here is an image of the heightmap and it makes NO SENSE! I am using a glass bed, no magnets and fixed aluminum spacers.
Here are a few images to show the range from left to right on the bed.
It would appear that your x axis gantry is sagging. I suggest you recheck the eccentric spacer to retighten the V wheels.
If you push up on the right side of the gantry does it lift easily? That sag seems too even to be anything else but mechanical sag in the x axis.
There is no play in the X axis which means the BL Touch should be able to compensate for the difference, as far as I understand.. I have tightened the eccentric nuts a bit more and I ran another G29 command right now but the graph is VERY similar. There is absolutely no play on the gantry. It has been printing perfectly for 6 months until I threw the Duet Maestro in. This can't be something that I have done as again, nothing was changed but that and all of a sudden I am having problems? Very frustrating but I really do appreciate your help!
If you print this STL twice, once with G29 mesh compensation active, and once with it inactive, how do the prints turn out?
@PUGCanada I have an Ender 3 Pro also with a Maestro also.
it may not sag but it might be out of align with the other side.
I have to measure between the top of the leg and the X gantry on the left and compare with the right.
The right hand side might feel that it has no play, but please check the height.
I have found a difference of 5 - 10mm either too high or low and requires the occaisional 'tweak'!
My guide wheels are tight too, but the occaisional headcrash, me not watching what I am doing, i just check it as a sanity check!
HTH. Paul.