Endstop calibration for Delta
i have converted my Anycubic predator to an Duet 2 with smart effector.
But i have found an problem with my endstops, two of them have equal distances, one is nearer than the two others.
So i have to correct the endstops over the firmware, because, the endstops itself are on a fixed postion.
I ve tried it with M666 X-3.0 Y0 Z0. The endstop and the stepper are "X". But this entry changed nothing in the position of the homed rail.
Maybe someone have an idea what i can do ?
Best regards
@fragle It sounds like what you have done is correct. However, after homing, you want to move the nozzle to X0 Y0 and Z down 5mm. It should then move the nozzle to the middle, and you should notice that the X carriage is 3mm further from the endstop than the Y or Z.
I have tried it with larger values, but nothing changed after homeing and go 50 mm on z. The postion is always the same.
@fragle I just tested this on my delta. If you use X-3, the carriage is going up, higher than the endstop, which it may not be able to do. It needs to be positive to move away from the endstop. If it does need to be X-3, then perhaps set X0 Y3 Z3 instead. Here's my homedelta.g; the last three lines move the effector down 5mm, then to X0 Y0 at the end:
; homedelta.g ; called to home all towers on a delta printer ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2 on Tue Jul 30 2019 15:07:02 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time) G91 ; relative positioning G1 H1 X184 Y184 Z184 F1800 ; move all towers to the high end stopping at the endstops (first pass) G1 H2 X-5 Y-5 Z-5 F1800 ; go down a few mm G1 H1 X10 Y10 Z10 F360 ; move all towers up once more (second pass) G1 Z-5 F12000 ; move down a few mm so that the nozzle can be centred G90 ; absolute positioning G1 X0 Y0 F12000 ; move X+Y to the centre The effector should move down after homing, and be at X0 Y0 afterwards.
From M666 documentation:
Positive endstop adjustments move the head closer to the bed when it is near the corresponding tower.
If X is 3mm 'above' the others, the M666 parameter should be a positive number.
I ve tried nearly every combination, but none of the M666 commands are working
do you have a config-overwrite?
yes, but it is empty
After doing an autocalibration you must send M500 to save the results to config-override and then you must add M501 to the end of config.g so that it gets loaded at start up.
@Phaedrux said in Endstop calibration for Delta:
After doing an autocalibration you must send M500 to save the results to config-override and then you must add M501 to the end of config.g so that it gets loaded at start up.
Or hand graft the results into the config.g (This is my preference) been bitten before wondering why changes don't take after a reboot due to eprom over writing them main stuff.
i have done all changes in config.g in the drives section.
You can send M666 from the console to test. Then you need to home with G28, that’s how I did it when testing. I sent M666 X10 Y0 Z0 then G28, and the X tower carriage ended 10mm below the other two.
I have already tried to use it with you method, but all carriages are about the same heigh as before.
What firmware version are you running? Send M122 and post the response. If 2.0.3, update to 2.0.4, as there were delta related bugs in 2.0.3, which may be causing this issue. Also post current config.g.