DUEX 5 - E4-E6 not working and a bit more...
ok. current update - it works.
I've updated the DWC to the latest version 2.06 and everything currently works (all tools and drivers).don't know if that due to the dwc update but at the moment everything looks fine.
another thing that I did is to disconnect the mosfet (stock from cr10) that was connected but as I said before I'm not using the bed/heater so I disconnected that as well.Let's see whats next
I found "M140 H-1" to disable the bed heater which looks better now on the dwccheers!
Hey David, back to the original post - I've checked the funky duex 5, ground and all but still it acts funny like I mentioned earlier.
Can I check anything else?
Hard to say, but my guess would be a bad ground connection or over-voltage on +5V has caused that. Is either of the 74HCT02 chips on the DueX getting hot?
@CJ-BRAVO One thing I noticed in your config.g is that you are using the format Znnn:nnn for your Z axis speeds, accelerations, steps per mm etc. It isn't necessary even though you have multiple motors, because it's a single axis. It is necessary for extruders because each separate extruder is treated like a separate axis.
It probably isn't doing any harm and the extra values after the colon are likely just being ignored but who knows?? It might be wise to tidy that up and remove the multiple, colon separated values for the Z axis (just in case).
OK I'll change it.
I've got my initial config setup from a fellow double Z axis user who sent his config.Thanks