Help with HTTP Error 500 on Duet 3D
Does this mean you've given up on testing via standalone mode?
No,but it seems a significant initial step was missed. I followed the Pi setup instructions with indicated use of the microSD card that came with the Pi.
Upon re-reading the Duet3 set-up instructions it seems to indicate that microSD card that came with the Duet3 should be used in the Pi.
This is where I am now and facing the HTTP Error 500. I've tried to find an explanation online but nothing I've seem so far makes sense to me.
any recommendations?
Jim -
For now, completely forget the pi. Disconnect it. It's not going to be used. This is why it's called standalone. It's standing alone from the the pi.
The Duet needs an SD card. It can be any SD card. It needs to be formatted in a computer as Fat32 and it needs some specific folders and files put on it.
This page describes what you need to do to your SD card.
Hi Phaedrux,
I ordered a new microSDHC 32gb card, it should be here on 4/22/20. I'll move ahead soon as I get it.
Jim -
Hello Gentle people,
I received a new 32gb SanDisk microSDHC card Thursday. It is now formatted FAT32 and the card shows
BOSSA 1.9.1 is installed on the PC, yet the system says it needs further installation...????The Duet3D is connected to the router via CAT5 cable. A 4' USB cable (you can see it's blue light) connects from Windows 10 PC to the Duet. The microSDHC card is installed in the Duet.
At this point, I'm trying to start over fresh with the Duet3D 6HC in standalone mode. I started with:
To update via USB (using a Windows host):You will need to install Bossa 1.9.1 from on your PC.
Place a jumper across the ERASE pins on the Duet 3 and power it up to erase the firmware. The Bossa port should appear on your PC (if it doesn't, try pressing the Reset button). This didn't bring up the Bossa screen and Bossa was launched, it shows as COM3 in the device manager list
The erase jumper is located in the center of the board near the large CPU chip.
Remove the ERASE jumper, load Bossa and select the correct COM port. It should identify the device as ATSAM70x20. This didn't occur. the Duet looks like this. the small light next to the microSD card holder is only very dim
So, what is wrong as it seems no communication is taking place?Your wonderful expertise and advice, which if not my pilot errors, appears to not generate desired results with the Duet connected to Pi4 running the CanaKit microSD Card in the Pi, nor with the Duet3 microSD card installed in the Pi4 and now with the Duet3D in stand alone mode.
Where do I go next?
So, back to a key question. Is this a bad board?
Your help and advice is most important and valuable to me,
Jim -
BTW, does the Duet3D have an IP address. If so, how do you find it?
Hi Jim. I missed this post the other day.
@Jim46 said in Help with HTTP Error 500 on Duet 3D:
BOSSA 1.9.1 is installed on the PC, yet the system says it needs further installation...????
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you still having issues with bossa? Were you able to get the board flashed?
The Duet should have an IP address if the config.g has M552 S1 in it to enable networking. It should obtain an address from your router. You can check your router to see what devices are showing up and get the ip from there and maybe even reserve that address for the Duet. Another way to get the IP would be to connect to the Duet via USB and send M552 or M122 and the IP should be in the response.
@Jim46 said in Help with HTTP Error 500 on Duet 3D:
Remove the ERASE jumper, load Bossa and select the correct COM port. It should identify the device as ATSAM70x20. This didn't occur. the Duet looks like this. the small light next to the microSD card holder is only very dim
It's normal for the DIAG LED to be very dim when the board isn't running any firmware. So the BOSSA port should be available. If your PC runs Windows, look in Device Manager under "Ports - COM and LPT". If it's not there, you may need to try a different USB cable, or a different USB port on your PC. You may also need to install the Windows device driver from (download into a temporary folder on your PC, then double click in the .inf file).
Thanks so much for your latest comments.
I've checked my router network map and don't see reference to the Duet.
I've tried YAT and it doesn't see COM3 the BOSSA port.
Unable to open DWC as it seems to do so using an IP address which I don't have for the Duet.
Here are screen that I hope are useful...
It seems the BOSSA 1.9.1 isn't in good shape as it is crunched up on the lower part of the screen. And, the Serial Port drop down is blank.
The Device Manager currently on my PC shows the COM3 but the drop down says the device is not connected to the computer. Assuming this is the Duet, the CAT5 cable is connected from the Duet to the router and the best USB cable I have is connected to the PC in a slot i rarely use.
BTW, I was i supposed to get a 3' USB cable with my Duet3D 6HC order? I only seem to have two 12" cables.
Lastly, YAT says none of the COM ports are avaiable. I type in COM3 with the same result.
I am rather lost here and appreciate your help.
J -
You're trying to solve 4 different problems in no coherent way and its really hard to follow the flow in what you're doing.
IF you connect the board to the computer and it shows up as BOSSA in device manager you only need to focus on the BOSSA flashing software (forget YAT and browsers).
Then the issue becomes, why is bossa not detecting the CPU when started.
Oddly enough your inherent all over the place approach may add some hints - if YAT is unable to open COM3 the problem is like in Windows. The file (com ports are files at the end of the day) could be open in another process, or windows could have double booked the handle COM3 preventing you from using it.
Do you have any other software running that might be trying to access a serial port? (only one software can access any one serial port at any given time)
edit -
Looks like the Bossa port is showing in Device Manager but the connection isn't reliable. Try again with a different USB cable. Note, Bossa only scans the USB ports when it starts up, and when you click Refresh, so you may have to click Refresh to make the port appear.
Potential progress
When plugging my USB3 cable into PC and Duet, a Windows message pops up saying it doesn't recognize the device...anyway something like that. Ordering a new USB3 cable tonight just in case.
BOSSA didn't pop up when the Duet was connected to the PC in every UBS plug, so I launched it directly. Finally got COM3 port to show up.
What do I do next?
You'll need this bin file:
After downloading it, verify that it is 553 KB in size.
Select the file in bossa.
Check boxes Erase all, Lock, and Boot from Flash
When the write completes, press Verify
Let's start with that.
Then on your SD card, you'll need to have the DWC 2.1.5 files in the /www folder from here:
While you're at it, download this file and place it in the /sys folder of the SD card:
@Jim46 said in Help with HTTP Error 500 on Duet 3D:
BOSSA didn't pop up when the Duet was connected to the PC in every UBS plug, so I launched it directly.
The BOSSA program is not made to start automatically when connecting the Duet, you will have to launch it yourself every time it is needed (hopefully just this once)
The 3.01-RC10/Duet3Firmware_MB6HC was successfully downloaded and remains in the download file. It is 553.3 KB.
The next step of trying to check boxes allowed the Erase All, Lock and Boot TO Flash. When clicking Write, it produces this error...
So, what does it mean SAM-BA operation failed? BTW, the formatted microSD card is in the Duet3.
Thanks again,
Jim -
@Jim46 said in Help with HTTP Error 500 on Duet 3D:
So, what does it mean SAM-BA operation failed?
can't say for sure, try again and while you do that I'll type some more.
to find more information we need to run the command line version and enable debug output (if trying again didn't work)find "Command Prompt" on your start menu and run it (search for cmd if you can't find it)
it opens a new black window with a prompt.
copy this into it:
"%programfiles(x86)%\BOSSA\bossac" --port=COM3 -d -e -w -v -b Downloads\Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin -R
@Jim46 said in Help with HTTP Error 500 on Duet 3D:
So, what does it mean SAM-BA operation failed?
It can mean that the port was present when you loaded Bossa, then it disappeared. It may have come back, but unfortunately Bossa won't reconnect to it automatically. Click Refresh and then select the COM port again in the Serial Port box.