Hotend modes "off", "standby", "active"
Good afternoon!
Please tell me, with what command can I set the “off” mode for a hot end?
G1 S220 team puts the hot end in active mode and sets the temperature to 220 degrees,
G1 0 sets the temperature to 0 degrees but leaves the hot end in the active stateHow can I get the OFF state?
You can't turn off a tool with a GCode. You can deselect it, which will put it on standby. T-1 deselects all tools.
You can turn off a
toolheater via the Duet Web Control interface, by clicking on its name the appropriate number of times. -
thanks for your reply
Yes, I wanted to do this with the G-codeHow can it be dangerous for a hot-end to be in the “standby” mode, in contrast to the “off”?
I don't know if it's necessarily dangerous to have a tool in standby mode. However, if the standby temperature is set higher than you expect it to be, that could be surprising.
You could set all standby temperatures for all tools to 0, then deselect all tools, via GCode.
thank you for your help
@Plohish Here are the GCode commands you’re looking for:
Tool Status Commands
Standby: T-1 or select a tool other than the current tool Off: G10 P0 S-273.15 R-273.15 Active: T0 or select the tool you wish to be active -
@mwolter Thanks you!
@mwolter Agreed, thank you. I forgot that you could turn off a heater by setting it to absolute zero.
@mwolter can you tell me the same commands for the bed?
Bed Status Commands
Standby: M144 Off: M140 S-273.15 Active: M140 S110 ; set bed active and to 100c -
thank you so much!
@Plohish You're welcome. For some reason, this info a little difficult to find. Glad I could help.
little problem
comand G10 P0 S-273.15 R-273.15 disables the hot end and sets the temperature = 0 in the web interface, but on the panel the temperature remains the one that was set.
firmware Release 3.0 -
@Plohish Please update your firmware to 3.1.1 and the Panel to 1.24 and see if that still holds true.
@Phaedrux my panel has firmware 1.24
Today I’m not ready to upgrade the Duet to 3.1.1, maybe I will do it later -
@Plohish Its a much easier upgrade than going from 2x to 3x.
the ATX OFF button from the web interface turns off the printer even if the hot end has a temperature above 45 degrees, is this normal?
@Phaedrux I changed the firmware to 3.1.1
this did not help me solve the problem incorrect display of temperature on the panel -
Yes it’s normal if you just send M81
Use S1 parametersM81 ; turn power off immediately
M81 S1 ; turn power off when all thermostatic fans have turned off -
@OwenD I thought the duet button is much more intelligent and understands that turning off is not desirable
I know about M81 S1 doing it from a macro